Aug 27, 2005 00:07
ok, well, i have to make this fast cuz its late and im supposed to be in bed.
registration was sweet. had a blast. felt a little rushed by poor mrs. baer, but i understand with her ERRANDS (yea, spelled it way wrong earlier, and andrew let me know it, fo sho). but i had a good time hangin out with mrs. baer, lilly, and, of course, laura! lol! (luv ya ! thanx for the ride!) am still a little nervous about how my picture will turn out, but i feel that it will be alright... sigh.
anyways. i got home from skool and errands, and hung out on aim for like 45 min's. it was sad to be just sittin there for a while, but fun! talked to people about their schedules and stuff.
i hooked up with chaffee, and we decided we would meet at Big Apple Bagel in town by the new Krogers. his sis carrie works there so that was fun hangin out with them for a while. then andrew and i rode our bikes back to my house and hung out on the computer. we downloaded some sweet music, like hot hot heat, and others. we also talked to Cool people (not kool people, but cool people), so that was fun. then we went out to dinner with my family at ruby tuesday. it was really good food. but i felt really bad for andrew. in a way, it was like after all these years, he totally got all the negatives of my parents in one night... my mom was jokingly yelling at him for A: not wearing a helmet and B: not owning one. but she's a nurse so it kinda makes sense. and honestly, she would really only say something along those lines to someone she really cares about. like if it was some random person we'd never met, she might judge them in her head and talk to us about them later, but never say anything to their face. then at dinner she got on some weird subject, i think it was like the 5 C's of marriage...? yea. and poor andrew was the one she was talkin to. (i have no fricken idea y she was talkin about this... o yea! that black guy and the white grl! those sweet patients she had! ok! lol!) then she yelled at me twice tonite. once for something i dont remember, and another for wantin desert after dinner at the resturaunt. but i was so hunger, i could have still eatin a cow. it was really bad. i didnt think andrew would be right, but earlier he said it would be weird to go out with us to dinner. and it just so happened to be. sigh...
so, maybe i can luck out and say my mom's hormonal rite now, but u never no... work can get crazy for my parents sometimes. ahh. another subject for another entry at another time.
well, sry to andrew for my mom being stupid, but thanx for enduring it. it will make u stronger... thanx for hangin out with me today, too. it was the most fun ive had in a long time. (britt, u still wanna come over? its just me now, but i think andrew could make it over here... ;]) lol! jk! no, i really did have a good time with everyone i came in contact with today.
thanx to all my awesome friends for being there for me, at different levels, at different times. i no certian people may find me a little... well... different... but i really do luv so many people in my life, a lot of them chicks, some of them guys. and no, i dont walk on that side of the street! lol! but i thank god in heaven that i am as blessed as i am. i hope u no i have gone through a lot of rough times this year, and that if it weren't for all my friends to pull me through, i really, truely, honestly, wholeheartedly, do not no if i would still be here today... now, dont go callin me a therapist or anything! lol! but u all no i am a very emotional person, and that i am generally on an emotional high when im around all of u. just sometimes, because my parents luv me, they try and prepare me for the big, bad world, and sometimes the way they do it (like the things they say) can hurt emotionally... so u all have helped me stay emotionaly, mentally, and physically aware and healthy. thanx. now, (wow, i just totally rambled on nothing involving today... lol!) i really want to make sure u all no that nothin is wrong! lol! im just a little tired, so my true feelings come out! lol! andrew can vouch for that. i really have had a spiritual thing happen to me this summer. it was really awesome goign to chicago and helping all those people, making them feel good, and also meeting new friends and knowing that god has worked in powerful ways through all of us. (crap almighty. dont cry man, dont cry... *tear*) so i hope that my attitudes this coming year are still happy, bouncey, and entertaining. but i also hope that i dont become a piece of high skool trash.
keep me and my family in ur prayers, as i am driving to and from bay city this weekend (i no, scary! lol!). and thanx again for everyone in my life. sigh... i am so emotionally high! yea! i hope i sleep well. harry potter will comfort me! lol! well, hope to talk to u all before monday roles around. but knowing us, we'll probably get in real late on sunday, so u never no. luv u all tons. if u want to get a hold of me about doin somethin before skool starts, call me 2488955897 and we'll figure something out. god bless u all, and hope u r all safe! luv u all bunches! lol! later! and to those of u who didnt quite catch it, that was me pooring my heart out! lol! later guys! (started this entry at about 12:05am and ended at about 12:55am... lol!)