I have something to ask you guys, but first,
MuseMuggers Anthology 2005
the Candle Lit
Download it FREE. Dedicated to the victims of Katrina. Your light won't go out so long as we remember you.
Okay, so I've just received my pack thingie and contract for my dorm room and I have to send them a deposit if I want them to hold it for me.
Thing is, I've been neither here nor there with the whole "living on campus" thing. I have pros, and I have cons that could double as pros if I weren't so resistant to them. So, I want opinions, and being the friendless loser I am, I'm gonna ask random people on the internet.
So...what do you guys think about dorm living?
And does it make sense for me to live in one even if my new house is going to be, what, three miles away from it anyway? Might just be wasting money.
On the other hand, I'm getting a student loan anyway, so I won't really be paying for it now...in theory, anyway, since I didn't sign up for the dorm thing before and the LEA will have to reassess me.
But, yeah. I'm shy. Being in a dorm might result in me being more of a hermit than usual, then again, it might just force me to get out there, because there's no way I could miss the goings on around campus if I'm there 24/7.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the fact that I suck at the whole "hunting and gathering" thing and my uncanny ability to burn food in the microwave, but hey, that's what the £200 meal card is for, right? On the other hand, I'm fussy. The chances of me liking much in the campus restaurants are slim. On the other other hand, my mom will only be three miles away, thus making it ridiculously easy to stop by and raid the fridge. On the other other other hand, if I'm eating home, probably visiting my PS2 and Sky home, and hanging around waiting for some people to do my laundry at home, what's the point of the dorm room, exactly? I might as well stay home and save the extra rent.
Plus there's this stupid rule that if the kitchen's too messy, they charge you £20. Chances are, I ain't gonna clean the damn kitchen, 'cause I'm not likely to use it for much more than storing my coke. I don't see how that's possibly fair, but I digress.
And I really hope they don't have any blocking mechanisms in place for torrents and IRC, or else I will be screwed, because how else am I gonna get my cartoon fix? I don't wanna miss last season JLU. I'd probably go insane with only local TV and no torrents.
I'm not sure if I'm ready to be independent, but... I dunno, I haven't really tried it before. Maybe it is time to let go of the skirt tails and walk on my own...sorta-ish.
I think I'd probably hate the dorm more if I didn't have the option of going home once in a while, but with home now being a couple miles away... maybe it won't be so bad? I don't know. There's probably a slightly greater chance of me liking it, anyhow.
I hate decision making. Especially since I'm still tired from that house-hunting trip earlier this week.
Not to mention if I decide a month down the line that I don't want to live in the dorm anymore, I'll still have to pay the rent for the rest of the year. *pouts*
On a lighter note, I got paid today. Rock on. Unfortunately, it's in cheque form, therefore I probably won't see cash 'til next week, anyway. Asswankers. *grumbles*
For all I was planning what I was gonna do with it for the past two months, now that I've got it, the miser in me has woken up and demanded that I hoard it.
Stupid inner Scrooge.