Okay, this show is annoying me now

Sep 23, 2012 23:27

Gaksital, Gaksital, Gaksital...

I'm just over halfway through and have enjoyed it for the most part, but I'ma have to rant now.

There's so much about this show that doesn't make any goddamn sense and more than half of it involves Mok Dan. I know they wouldn't have a show without her, since she's everybody and their dog's motivation, but they could have at least tried to make the plotlines around her character make some kind of sense.

For one thing - and I am fully aware that it's because I'm cold-hearted with barely a sense of romance - I just cannot understand the childhood romance/first love bullshit. Yes, I get it, you never forget your first love. Why does one month or so when you're 12 trump three years of the present? I will probably never understand how someone's feelings for someone else can do a complete 180 by finding out who they were as a child. Bitch, 15 years have gone by. They've. Changed.

It was hard enough getting over it when Kang To, after finding out Mok Dan was actually his first love, Boon Yi, was suddenly in love with her again even though she was totally on the opposite side of everything he currently stood for. That was probably a over a decade's worth of anger and resentment off his shoulders. Maybe he was blinded by that. What the fuck ever.

It's another thing entirely with Mok Dan, who spends about 15 episodes hating Kang To, with good cause because there was the whole matter of repeatedly torturing and trying to kill her, and Gaksital and oppress his fellow Joseon people and in general being a grade A asshole. After all that, she finds him passed out with the Bridal Mask on and suddenly forgives him completely because he's Gaksital. She didn't even hesitate for a second. I would have a lot more faith in her intelligence if she had hesitated for just one second.

Because why the fuck is that proof that he's Gaksital?

Bitch, you didn't even notice when Gaksital suddenly got a foot shorter - how the hell do you know he's the real one? Hell, if I were the cops and all these people were loyal to this masked man that nobody would identify, I would bloody make the same mask and trick them into spilling the beans. She doesn't even for one second wonder if he's faking it. And she should, because she's seen them both in the same room at the same time and didn't even notice when the guy behind the mask changed, even though he was a fucking foot shorter. So for all she knew, this is the same Gaksital that saved her ass from Kang To 12 episodes ago.

And Shunji or anybody suspecting Kang To - they've been in the same room at the same time.

If anyone, even the most insignificant character had said, "hey, didn't he used to be taller?" or "his fighting style's a little different" or "didn't he used to have more stubble?" I would have gone along with it. Because I would have reason to think that somebody noticed there was more than one masked man. But nobody did. So anybody suspecting Kang To actually being Gaksital makes no sense, no matter how much he's not there when he attacks. Working with him? Fine. Being him? No.

Then there's the bit where, in an effort to cover for Kang To, Mok Dan voluntarily goes back to the hotel where Shunji was keeping her captive - you know, the same place she was trying to escape from people she didn't trust. Why. The. Fuck. That's even more obvious than just hiding. It would have made more sense for her to be "careless" somewhere obvious, like in front of the police station, and get recaptured. And Shunji's not even suspicious! Fine, he's in love with her, blinded by childhood feelings. Why isn't Goiso or any of the other officers questioning this convenient bout of compliance? If they'd just had Goiso giving him a look, just one look, I could have gone along with it.

And why, on god's green earth, is a woman who is pretty much the third most wanted person in town able to strut about without a disguise and not get caught immediately. She doesn't even change dress style, FFS!

Ugh. I'll be here all night if I continue. I'm going to bed. Work tomorrow. I might add more (points or coherency, jury's out) tomorrow.

kdrama kick

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