(no subject)

May 08, 2008 04:10

I wish I had less shame. Or that the dorm walls were thicker. Because, you know, there's just some songs that really make you need to sing them out loud, like, really loud and I can't do that here. I sing better loudly than quietly for some reason (can't control my quiet voice as much. Also, I sing louder than I talk, how weird is that?), so they'd be getting a better show, really but I won't because, you know, shame. And decency, I guess, 'cause it's 4am.

It would be totally fun right now though to belt out "Addicted to that Rush". Oh well. *mopes*

At least I'm getting some Creative Writing coursework done even if I'm not having as much sing-y fun as I want. I wonder if it's too tangenty to talk about fanfic and how this one chick writes like fanfic. I know she does--hell, she admitted it was adapted from a fanfic--but I can't figure out why it sounds like a fanfic. I mean, literally, I read the first two sentences and went "This sounds like a fanfic." It can't just be because it was slash. And it's definitely not one of my fandoms even if she hadn't changed the names. Meh. Might be easier to figure out if I actually read books more often. Oh well.

I know there's a difference, though. My fanfics definitely sound different than my original and IIRC hers do to. Gah, wish I could figure it out, would make for a kick ass critique.

I hope the reminder that it was originally a fanfic won't affect her mark, though. Teacher didn't seem to care at the time, so maybe it's okay.

rambling, creative writing

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