Oct 23, 2006 02:20
Okay. So I drag my ass to the studio so I can record the homework for tomorrow. As if it's not enough that it's raining and my mom, for some inexplicable reason, took my "cool sound" home with her without asking me if I was done with it (otherwise, I've just lost it somewhere in my room, and how is that possible?) and there was some guy walking around outside the JHR that I didn't recognise, thus leading to me creeping myself out.
I went into the lab, turned on one set of lights and the wall switches that supposedly turn on everything else, turned on the computer. Decided, eh, I'll start easy; just playing a CD. Stick the CD in the player, hook in all the wires and...NOTHING. Why is there nothing? I hooked it up exactly as I did on Thursday when Antti was there looking over my shoulder. It worked then, why not now? So I think, fine, I'll try the other CD player. Oh, it makes the desk light up, but still no sound. So cue me standing around for twenty minutes, peering confusedly at the desk, pressing all the buttons I can possibly remember ever touching on Thursday, trying to get the damn thing to work. Up to now, nothing.
And you know, it's really pathetic when a music tech student can't even get the goddamn speakers to turn on. I don't recall them ever doing anything to turn it on before, I thought they did that automatically. And up to now I can't find an "on" button, so it must do so automatically somehow. Grr.
"Fine," I thought, "I'll just record blindly and be done with it." So I went into the live room, after staring out through the window first, because I've already freaked myself out about that guy and since when am I such a fraidy cat? I've been out there all night before. But I digress. Put up a mic stand before I got this nagging feeling in my head that I shouldn't do it. If I can't make it play music, what the hell makes me think I can make it record? I'd probably do the mics in. So I put it all back, went back in the studio and tried audio again in both players. Still nothing.
"Hear what," I said to myself. "I goin' home." Turned off the computer (and now that I'm thinking of it, I totally forgot to cover up the desk again) and went to turn off the lights when I got this crazy (read: stupid and desperate) thought that maybe the other switches turn on the speakers. Hit the switch. Pop and darkness. All the bulbs blew.
Or I hope that was just the bulbs blowing and not something shorting out or anything that would involve me going down there tomorrow to find ashes and a bill for a few hundred thousand pounds that I owe them for their studio I burnt down. Because I was the last person there, I signed that sheet, they know this. I'll probably already get reamed for forgetting to cover up the mixing desk.
Maybe I should just throw in the towel. Seriously. Me and this ain't workin'. The machines hate me and I hate them and I am thoroughly incompetent and haven't done any work that wasn't reading for the term yet because I haven't been able to work anything yet. I should just quit this and start the whole uni experience over with something easier like English.
I should've just followed my mind and not bothered to go at all.
ETA: Great. And now I'm getting the feeling I should go fix the damn desk and check the place isn't burning. Damn paranoia! Stupid brain...
why the universe hates me,
music tech