Nov 01, 2006 11:42
I've been pretty bad with this thing haven't I? Sometimes I think of things to say but then I don't... oh well. Here's an update for ya.
I passed my training and became a primary call reciever. It's really fun. I've already had a few really tough calls though. I heard officers kill a prowler that was trying to run them over on one call, and I talked a lady down from jumping off her deck and stabbing herself with a butcher knife because the death angles kept telling her to, and she was tired of hearing them, in another. Those types of calls are far between, but they are tough. Otherwise, it's not too bad.
So, I moved out of my parent's house, finally. I've got a cute little place in Kent, though my stuff is still all in boxes. I hate moving. I like shopping though. Just bought 4 things of furnature at Ikea for under $300. The stuff is cheap as hell, but it's good for me!
And then, on Monday my grandpa died. It was very sudden. He had a massive heart attack and died. Very tragic. Very unexpected. I wasn't sure how I'd take it, because he's the first person I've cared about that's died, but I'm more or less okay. I got really car sick yesterday though. My mom's car makes me car sick usually, but this time I got home and was nauseaus and had to lay down. I had a huge headache for the rest of the day too. It's usually not that bad, so I'm wondering if it's some sort of stress reaction. Anyway, it was a weird experience on Monday. Everyone was over at my grandma's house. Some people were crying, some laughing. Everyone was sad, of course. I've never seen my family sad like that before.
Otherwise, life is good. Next on my list of things to buy are a couch. Then comes the TV and cabinet, and then the Xbox 360. And maybe a Nintendo DS, because they have a new Mario that people say is pretty cool. We'll see.
And that's the update.