30 Days

Jul 27, 2006 23:27

Where do they find these fucks??

Francisco Jorge (n/k/a Frank George) is a Cuban immigrant who volunteers as a Minuteman patrolling the Mexican border. His parents immigrated legally when he was a child, therefore he somehow finds it his duty to prevent others from having the same opportunities as he does. I'm less than 5 minutes into the show and this is what I've learned about him:

- He is angry, loud, and outspoken
- He feels the need to harass people during peaceful demonstrations
- He blames 9/11 on immigrants
- When heading to patrol the border he carries the following:
- 9mm hand gun
- "lots of ammo"
- Kel Tek rifle (.223 rounds)
- Knife (at least, it was attached to his belt although he didn't list it)
- at least 500 rounds
- wife with a second hand-gun and rifle

I know there's the severe possibility that I'm making snap judgments here, but isn't it odd that as border patrols who do not apprehend people, but rather call crossers in to the authorities would carry such an arsonal? Who is this man? I am truly frightened!!

Is he just another person looking to give himself the impression of control over the world he lives in through controlling the actions of other people?! I intend to watch and find out.

Oh, and Allison got voted off of So You Think You Can Dance. How very very sad!! She was the most beautiful dancer of everyone! :(
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