May 27, 2004 15:55
Tuesday night sucked, royally. I expected that when I specifically forbade something, it would be a given that it wouldn't be there (at my house)Apparently I was wrong. It's hard enough to quit when I'm not around it, but when I get to my house and the first thing I see and smell is pot, it just gets INSANELY difficult.
Their excuse was "you said not at your house, but we're not even at your house, we're in the cul-de-sac outside your house." I don't mean to bitch and moan, but when my one request about that night is no pot, then I expect for there to be no pot. It's not that hard. I didn't care if ever single person there showed up high as a kite, just as long as nobody smoked around me.
I don't really think I'm being selfish or over-reacting, but I totally feel like they were taking advantage of me. The reason why I'm playing the pronoun game as opposed to mentioning names, is that I don't want other people to get into this, because it's between me and just a few other people who know exactly who they are.
I was just about to get over it until I went into my garage the next morning when I found a pipe they made out of things that were mine, they used without asking, and destroyed. The audacity floors me. It fucking kills me.
I'm just glad I'm not where they are anymore; doing that sort of shit to a so-called friend all to get fucked up. It's no way to live. It's the tenth day of my soberity. Ten days, I can't believe it.
On a happier note ... Karaoke tonight @ Don Pablo's (ucf) All should be in attendance. It'll be a fun fun time.