Whew. I have been absent for a long time. With moving in and trying to get the internet to work, it's been a busy few days. Interesting too. But we're in, and the house is still standing for the most part. We have also learned that we have a ghost...and all of us slept with our doors locked last night. Because, you know, ghosts obey locks. They just do. Except for Nik because her door doesn't shut and she was protected by only a laundry basket. I haven't seen her yet today, but I hope she's still alive.
Today is a bittersweet day. Bitter because we started classes. I already had one, Introduction to Mass Media, and my prof. is a nut. It sounds like it won't be too bad, but I guess we'll see. There's a basketball player in my class, but the jury is still out on our current freshman class so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I have another class at 12.40 but I needed to come home for a very important reason. (That being the US Opennnnn!)
It's sweet because today is the start of the US Open! Hurray for nonstop tennis coverage!! Andy plays today and I'm hoping that I get out of class before it starts. Stupid afternoon start. I never know when he's going to be on because there's a woman's match on before him and those are usually shorter. I'm just hoping he gets through this round and gets major points and moves up in the rankings. I'm sure he's going to be fine. I made the roomies watch Arthur Ashe Kid's Day on Sunday and they loved it. But I mostly loved
How funny was Ellen during the match? Oh Andy. I'm so pumped that he won Cincy and has some momentum. Cross your fingers that he comes out like the player we know he is and just takes it to Serra.
Segway into my Andy. He's in San Diego now and called me last night. It was an interesting chat because he was drunk, and that's something I never really get to experience. He kept telling me how much he misses me and that he can't wait to get home to see me. I asked him if he needed to be picked up from the airport, because I'm nice like that, and he said that he couldn't ask me to do that because he's flying into Detroit, not Lansing. But then he said if his friend couldn't pick him up and I did it, he'd buy me a 5 carat diamond ring. Coley and Nik agreed that I should go get him and just take the ring. Haha. Then he said that when he gets home, he's pulling out all the stops. I don't know what that means, and he wouldn't tell me, but whatever. Drunk, I tell you. Also, he told me that what we have is "really special" and means a lot to him. Hmmmm. Neither of us really know what we have. It was a confusing conversation, but I just have to attribute that to his intoxication.
Sigh. Interesting times, I tell you. I'm still hoping I get a present.