Feb 26, 2008 00:59
I made the connection the other day to how I ended up at this point of introspection. I believe the universe works in mysterious ways, and you just have to be open to the signs. I missed them at the time, but they hit me like a two-by-four in the cranium the other day.
The next rock in your path may just be a stepping stone.
It was.
Mr. South Africa was the rock. . . that turned out to be a stepping stone. And the guitar is the symbol. She is the catalyst. Or maybe he was the catalyst and she was the nagging reminder in the corner . . . waiting for me to "get it'.
Well I got it. He was the most recent in a string of undeserving men. . . and it was a situation I had hoped to handle the 'right way' for once, that went badly. More like disastrous. He bolted. I would have too. But she was there - Fiona, the guitar. She sat quietly in the corner until I figured it out. Once I had the revelation, it snowballed into this journey of self-discovery.
Now, for a long time I have known who I am and what I'm about. But for ten years my interests have been my profession. If someone asked what I like to do, I would say work. I've said this to countless people for the longest time. It took a brief encounter with a random guy from South Africa and a beautiful gift for me to GET IT. Who would have ever thought? The universe REALLY works in random and mysterious ways.
The reason I know this is because I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. It's not one of my interests, it's one of my "want to's". Once I realized this, I've started doing some of the things I have wanted to do - I'm currently going to boxing classes every Monday. I am hoping to learn how to play the guitar (at least more than the pitiful strumming I'm doing now). I'm working on some other things as well.
The next rock in your path just might be a stepping stone.
Be open to the signs the universe is presenting to you . . .