Important Update.

Dec 14, 2010 01:21

So... my first personal entry that is public. Tad nervous, I won't lie. But, there are some people who follow me here (and on Twitter) that either don't have an LJ or I don't follow them back!

I promised you guys a proper update, so that's what you're getting. So... *thinks what's new*

1. University

V. close to quitting this course. Had so much hassle with the tutors and above all else, I'm not learning anything! Not to mention the Tuition fee! When I applied for this course, my Dad said "don't worry about the finance side of things". I heard him, my Nan heard him, but when it came to me actually needing to pay it, he denied saying it! Thankfully it's been sorted thanks to Student Finance. So I'll be in debt for a very long time because my so called "father" won't admit to saying he'll help me. Cheers.

And then booked a £2,000+ holiday to the Canary Islands for him and her. Cheers Dad, for yet again proving my mother right when she said you were a selfish cunt. Still bitter about last Christmas when I braved the train very close to Christmas to visit you, then for you all to go out to the pub every night apart from Xmas night without me. Mum asked me how I celebrated in the big day - my answer? "On my own watching Only Fools & Horses". Only thing missing was a glass of wine and cake. Needless to say I won't be returning there this year...

2. Army

*sigh* I really do not know what to do about the Army. My training isn't helping at all - in the sense that my run times aren't improving, and the only thing I get from doing the run is pain (it really gets to you emotionally as well when you run and you know deep down that you're not going to make the time). My 2nd chance training day is on the 11th January... At this rate, I KNOW that I'm gonna fail it, so my mindset (and I hate myself for thinking this) is "what's the point in doing this if you're not getting anywhere?" One half of me just wants to pack this in, but the other half wants me to stick with it. I don't know which half to back. Need serious input from you guys about this...

3. Depression

Got diagnosed with mild depression... about a month ago maybe? And in that month I've had one session that lasted 20 minutes with a therapist (also called Emma!) from the MIND agency, and a 10 minute over-the-phone appointment with her. And also I'm supposed to have been set up to have some counselling for my 'Daddy Issues'... yeah that hasn't happened at all. Not best pleased. My mood hasn't improved since I started getting help - I refused antidepressants at first, but now am pondering whether I made the right choice. No support at home is really getting to me, constant arguements with Mum about such STUPID things. Guh. I want to move out so bad. Thank Christ for friends, that's what I say!

4. Phill Jupitus

OMG. Such fangirlling!

(To clarify, I told him about I was so shocked when I saw he was following me on Twitter, that I nearly dropped my new iPod in the bath!) :'D

He was doing a book reading and signing at my local Waterstones to promote his new book. My Nan & I went along and loved it - we missed the live episode of Coronation Street for him!

5. Health

Struggling with my health as of late. Went to the doctors to say to him "look, I think I have Diabetes. I have all the symptoms, can I have a test?" So I had a blood test, and that came back normal! The test also looked for infection but came back normal - so that didn't help for my ear pain either. The pain soon spread to my jaw and I now have a stiff neck. Mother seems to think it could be my Wisdom Teeth?? I have pain in chewing and the right side of my mouth (where pain is) is very sensitive to cold, when I brush my teeth or hold drink there I can feel a difference.

I just want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of my friends on here for being there for me, listening to my childish rants about my stupid family. This is why I love the internet - there is too much focus on the dangers of peadophiles and such and not enough people realise that you can form fantastic friendships from it!! Certain people just make my day just by existing.

Also, not to pimp myself out or anything, but you can still tell me why you like me here!!

wisdom teeth?, health, army, fangirling, ear infection?, friends are the best, phill jupitus, personal, dad, depression

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