Nov 05, 2005 21:21
so, i was watching Pi and i got thinking. Most geniuses are considered to be insane or mad. Why is this? My theory is that they're simply to smart for us. Their wisdom is far beyond that of which any of us will ever know. We'll never understand the things they do. We're just not that intelligent. So is the right way to look at, the smarter you are the crazier you're considered? Or is it really being insane or just knowing and understanding what others dont. And if you got others to understand you would you considered less insane. But thats where cults come into play, like Jim Jones(not calling him a genius in anyway). Nothing wrong with having beliefs but when you become so forceful with them to the point where you convince people to follow your mad teachings down to south america and poison them to death. Cults are just fucked up. And i'll understand how and why these people follow such lunatics believing that they're gonna save them. Save yourself! Anyways, back to what i was talking about. I remember is psychology last year we got talking about the whole crazy genius thing. I believe that if you go to mental institute and sit down and talk to patient(and hopefully they wont attack you) you'd be pleasantly surprised with what you discover and learn. I dont think i could handle it personally. i mean i may 'talk a big talk' but i think actually sitting down and talking to one of them might force to realize things about myself i wasnt ready for and i just might want to commit myself.
forgot my thought. thats ok though i got tired of typing.