Mar 20, 2005 15:53
I hate a lot of people, as do you, and I am also lazy and just don't have the time to compose that many individualized "Top Ten Reasons I Hate This Person" lists. So, as a service to us all I created a "Top Ten Reasons I Hate ________" list. All you have to do is fill in the name of the person in the blanks and correctly choose the gender of the person where appropriate. Then you can tape about 15,687 copies of the list on this person's door and mail it to their family and friends, so that everyone will know that you truly hate that person. Its a win-win situation! Ok, heres the list:
Top ten reasons why I hate ____________
10. His/Her hair is just way too long, ya know?
9. I eat poop for breakfast
8. So, a duck walks into a jewelry store and orders a ham sandwich, and the jeweler says, “We aint got no ham sandwiches,” and the duck says, “Well, isn’t that a shame.” HAHAHA! Get it!
7. Beer
6. Contrary to unpopular belief, _______ is not as awesome as the average bear
5. Carmex is an adequate substitute for cooking oil, geez louise folks!
4. (do do do) don’t you (do do) forget about me! (do do do do do do do do)
3. Whenever I want to borrow a car battery from _______, he/she's all like, “you don’t got a car”, and I’m all like, “Cuz you never loan me your goddamn car battery!”
2. There is no reason #2 because ______ erased it with his/her mind powers
1. And, the number #1 reason why I hate _________: Fuckin’ last night I was trying to watch “Golden Girls” on TBS and ________ is all like, “I maxed out my credit card, I need a new one, can I borrow yours”, and I’m all like, “FUCKIN’ ‘GOLDEN GIRLS’ BITCH!”