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Mar 23, 2009 18:46

Amp Earth
Current mood: busy
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
I hate going around and seeing people cause mindless destruction to this planet, this is the planet we call earth, which in other words means home, and if we do not take care of it then nothing will. We have the power and technologies to do the craziest of things now. Things that in the past we never even imagined could be possible. Yet, you see people waste and waste goods. Where do you think all that shit ends up? You think its not in your backyard, so who cares…well just because its not in your yard doesn’t mean it gets disposed of correctly, and could end up in some other poor bastards yard. And you have the audacity to ask who cares, well my friend I do, and there are plenty of people like me out there willing to do what it takes to do the right thing. We most start conserving instead of using so much with nothing to give back, think about it. If you work out then after you do not anything for awhile your going to be fucking tried. However, if you would have gave your body fuel, in which case food. You wouldn’t have had this problem, and that’s why the earth has this problem cause the majority of people do not put back in what they take from it. You see people panicking about global warming, yet the next minute there throwing away good paper the could be recycled and used again, instead of killing another tree for that next book report you have to do. If you are that scared about it, it’s really your own damn thought because you aren’t doing shit to prevent it. You want to feel better about it, then take a few minutes out of wiping your asses and do something about it.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /....

Its easy enough to do something, any little thing will help out because if everyone just put in a little effort then that will add up. One thing you could do is, you know that stuff you throw out that you really know just seems like a waste, especially food, fucking children are dying in Africa! And you are throwing away food, give it to someone who will eat it, that’s so wasteful, don’t do it, if you know things that are tossed can be reused or recycled then do that instead, it saves time, space, money and trees. Then you have those people who don’t dispose of anything the right way, people who throw trash out there cars, or in or around places it doesn’t belong, where do you think all that shit ends up? How bout the next time I see someone throw trash on the ground I pick it up and shove it up your ass, that could be its next home since your full of shit to begin with. Anyway, how easy is this just throw your damn trash where it belongs in a garbage can or dumster? If you are really into plants and wild life, why not plant more or grow your own garden, it does the environment good. I seriously think people use to many fossil fuels nowadays, but it’s a good thing that they are now making cars more fuel efficient and also having the luxury of solar powered cars, or electric. Which is great because energy from these sources are unlimited, but energy obtained from sources like fossil fuels are limited and are not meant to all be used up like that, that’s why I think it’s a great idea for oil makers to use corn as fuel for gas. So there goes another one, when you have to go somewhere and its not that far, just walk or ride your bike, so you don’t waste fuel for little things like that, only use it when you need too. Another thing that really bugs me is people smoking in places there not supposed to or in places that people don’t really want them smoking in, its harmful to the environment, not only that but how do you like it when people blow smoke in your face, I used to smoke a lot and every now in then when I pass by people smoking like a chimney, I get cravings and if you didn’t smoke in public that wouldn’t happen, plus I don’t appreciate second hand smoke, that’s worse then first, if I want to smoke ill do it myself thank you. So be respectable and smoke on your property or where you’re allowed to in public. Another thing, just cause electric is unlimited doesn’t mean its free, that’s why they always say turn off the lights, cause it cost money to keep them on and instead of going towards those extra unneeded lights, that money could go towards something better. I also see a lot of people waste there money on things they don’t need, cause the next thing you know its seating on there front lawn waiting for the garbage truck to come by and pick it up, if you know you don’t need something or you know you don’t really want it, then don’t buy it. Or instead of buying books that you know you are only going to read once, rent it instead of buying it, and that can go for a lot of objects. For notes or memos, use a computer or your telephone instead of paper, its just one of the many ways to save on paper. Still I see people wasting money on paper plates and things like that, its such a waste, think about it, you use them once or twice and they are to dirty to recycle then so you just throw them away, its ridicules that you cant use plastic or glass plates, that you can wash and use time and time again, or are you just to lazy to wash some dishes? Be smart about these things, you can help a lot just by using common sense people. We live at a time where there’s so many opportunities to help out, lots at a click of a bottom, but still a lot of people don’t, its about time you do your part, donate to a charity regularly or something, I donate to the Dave Thomas foundation for homeless children, as well as others when I get the chance too, I do that one regularly because that’s the one my work supports at Wendys. How about you don’t buy as many books and magazines you know your not going to read more then once and just rent them at the library or read online, in which case would limit the amount of items the company produces saving paper. This saves you money as well, you can also get money from recycling cans and bottles, almost all paper, plastic, metal and glass can be reused or recycled, and you can make some money from it, some places even pay you to bring in these materials. Water is another one of those unlimited resources, bit it cost money to keep it clean for us, so be smart about when you have the water on, only use it when you need too, because this will save you and the community money. Be like mike and eat paper, he recycles paper in his own way, which doesn’t save paper so scratch that. You could even put money towards the discovery of new meds or technologies, who knows what we could do next or find out maybe even the cure to cancer. Another great way to contribute to the environment is to purchase carbon offsets, they help turn around the effects of having to much carbon in the atmosphere, or c.o. 2 which can case lots of problems to the planet, it’s a way of giving back what you take, big companies do it as well as individuals who like you want to help out, giving back what they take. That’s what its all about, its give and take or likewise, this is also called green energy.....

Well I guess that’s all I have to say about all of that, green is the way to go, it’s the way to the future, think do you want your kids to live in a world that’s polluted and unsafe or a world like ours, we can keep it this way forever if you do your part. Its green peace, dude!....

p.s. I will be setting up a myspace group called amp earth, its going to be a green peace community right in your own backyard of sterling hts. So, check it out.....

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Monday, March 23, 2009
Current mood: jedi
Category: Art and Photography
So lately, Ive been thinking I have never really explained why I am so into otaku so this entry should cover all about it. Ive always had been interested in animation, comics, graphic novels and video games. That interest lasted long enough in my childhood that when I got older, in my teen years I become more in more into it. Getting into more adult genre titles mostly anime titles for that matter. I was so into it that right away at the age of 13 I started reading and developing character designs for my original manga, or graphic novel, no. one. I actually got many gag comics for it done, or short stories. But long before that I’ve always dreamed of becoming an artist, and in reality I really am now I just don’t get paid for it, I used to do some voice acting for homemade anime I did, also I did animation on my computer and cut motion animation. However, who knows maybe one day, Id love to cause that has been one of my lifer long dream professions. I had influence to like all this stuff before I was born, from my genes. My family as a lot of great artist in it, they appreciate the arts and from that and of my own liking learned to respect and love the arts. Therefore, I hate it when people do not understand my interest in otaku. If you do not know what otaku is, it is about damn time you learned, it means hard-core fan of manga, anime and video games. However, you want to put it, it is all the same. Comics, cartoons whatever its all the same. Otaku just describes a person who really likes all that stuff, and respects the Japanese culture and their beliefs. Also anyone who’s really into martial arts. As well as anything associated with those things. Nevertheless, centers on the manga, anime and video games. Its so amazing what you can do with this stuff. That’s why I love it, you can create anything and do anything, and it is all at the tip of your fingers. The things you can only dream of come true and you can make it yourself, make it come to life, everyone shares there inner imagaitive worlds here and they all clopped into something called otaku. You can share your world with people through the eyes of characters you design and make do whatever you want. Even if you cant draw or design your own, you still enjoy the story developed out of characters in other stories, there’s so many titles to choose from to get into and if you’re an otaku, your going to enjoy yourself no matter which ones you get into. That’s why I believe like so many others that anime is better then live action, cause of the simple fact that actors get old and die, but characters are forever. Its just really amazing with what you can do with all this, you can show everyone your deepest thoughts and feelings through your own world that you make through drawings, animation and video games. In addition, that’s pretty much it. If you want more inf. Don’t be afraid to ask, liker details in anime, or a particular title, how something works, how to draw, I can help you with almost anything that deals with this stuff, cause I love it and it’s a big part of my life.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /....

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Monday, March 23, 2009
I havent updated this in so long.
Current mood: animated
Category: Blogging
I have not updated this in along time, so I am just going to give you whats been going on in a nutshell the past year. As you all know i've made a lot of improvements in my life, a lot of which consisted of getting my life together, so if you haven’t heard from me in awhile that’s probably why. I needed sometime to get away. Out of the picture, but I have everything in a row now. I know what I am doing here and where I want to go from here, and living how I want to live. The last year has been nothing like I have ever experienced before. And it was the best thing for me to get my life together at age 21 because I’m just beginning my adulthood, I don’t consider anyone an adult till they are 21, because scientifically that’s when your brain gets fully mature. I also had to figure out who my true friends are, did that and these are they, my brothers Mario Ankawi, Dan Wolf, Pauly Paul and Chris. They mean the world to me in a brotherly way. We truly understand each other in this crazy world, and its always good to keep people like that around in your life, it just makes everything better. In the past year, I have obviously been spending a lot of time with heather, my beautiful girlfriend, in which case means everything to me. We have done so much together in just one year. Shared so many precious moments, it is amazing to me, because I never expected to have a connection with someone like this. Now I truly know why I wanted to be with someone like this before, cause everything you do with them is just worth it, even if your just walking around somewhere, or talking in the car with one where to go, you still have some of the best times just cause she’s there. I’ve seen a shit load of new movies, heather and I watch a lot of movies together, its one of our hobbies, lol. We have been to so many restaurants, stores, I think we have hang out at the mall to many times to count, double dates are always fun. Hanging out with each others friends together. I remember one time we were coloring at the mall, lol. We like to have fun. Visiting her at work. I had to carry her out of their one-day cause of a panic attack, scary shit; it freaked me out especially when I was holding her in the back seat the whole way there. That was during the week her parents were out for a whole week, and we were living together at her house during that time, it was sweet, we got to see what its going be like to really live together one day, it was a sneak peek. I have to be like Charlie on this one, I am not a virgin anymore! My love took it; I love this girl so much. Everything about her is amazing. I got the best birthday gift a few days after, our one year ann. Is coming up next month, on the 11th of Nov., my birthday is the 5th and I wished for this to happen, for me to find my one and I got it. So much has happened this year, and for some personal achievements, when it hits Nov. ill have been working at Wendy's for a year now, I got employee of the month, 2 months into working there. I've started a new diet and its really starting to show. I got my i.d. finally after that big mishap of trying to get it. My ma got a car, too finally and when I get my license I can use it myself, so its actually the families car instead of just hers because josh uses it as well, but he has his own car too, got it awhile ago. Heather has redone my whole myspace page and it looks gnarly. Speaking of gnarly my Dumbass crew is really starting to get together, heather made an official web site for us and I’m getting a new camera for x-mas. So I will begin shooting all new skits by next spring, intil then, I will also be making a myspace group for us as well as some others, and update the web page and plan out whats going to be going on when I do shoot. My manga is coming along as well, I'm starting to write more chapters and draw out story boards, I’m going to start posting my work on its own web page and myspace and all that, so I can see what you think. On the other hand the band forevers end is going nowhere lately, I’m afraid its going to die if we don’t pull together and get some new people to jam with. I will also be doing some online works for the band as well as well as setting up its own myspace page. As you all know, I have a tattoo, and now heather finished her first one, I’m finally going in for that tribal cross I've been wanting for along while, then soon after that I plan on getting all the rest of mine down within the next 2 years. One really great thing about this year is the fact that I get along with my mom better then I have in the past few years, we talk and understand each other better and theirs barley any fighting anymore, I’m just really glad that I have that type of relationship with my mom, I it wouldn’t be the same at all if it where the other way around. With this, everyone is happy. I’m taking it, that is was part of me getting my life together that helped us get along better because I came to a better understanding of the reasons for the way she is. I really do have a great family. On a personal note, I have finally become true super 110% status. When I got my life together I also got my room and stuff like that together as well, I organized my entire room about a month ago, and it looks sweat. I even started recycling. I got my schedule set up for each week and my to do list which keep me on track of whats going on, I have everything organized and it always will be, because I did everything I needed to do for it. So if something gets out of line, it will be easy to put back into place, so everything will stay in order. I've done a lot with friends this year as well, Dan and I went to raw, its was so cool, I've never been to a show before, I was happy I got to actually be there. The bbq at steve-os place, that was really fun, Erik and Dave were here. Driving around with Pidek. Hanging out with Mario over Jackies. So many other good times as well, those are just most memorable to me. I think this is a good enough summery of whats been going on this year and for an update for my blog. Therefore, that is the end of that chapter.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /....

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Monday, March 23, 2009
the past year has been life chinging for myself.
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life
The past year has been life changing for me, I have done some great things and a year before this I had no idea what was in store for me. Now before I start this off I don’t want u to get the wrong impression that I had a horrible childhood because I didn’t it was great I wouldn’t change a thing about my past, well except maybe what happened two years ago, that was fucked up and scared a lot of people for life. However, we are all over what happened then. The past is the past and this is the here and now the future. When I was a little kid I wasn’t the module student and I continued to be like that in my life, the when my dad had died which will be 7 years ago this year, I went totally down hill from there and didn’t give two cents about anything anymore. I only cared for myself at this point, and oh believe me not caring about anything can be pretty enjoyable, it was like all the pain and suffering had been lifted off my shoulders, like I was free. So in my mind I was doing nothing wrong when in reality I was, I had just ignored that fact because I refused to share my feeling about my dad dying and me already being a little ingrate at that point in time, those bad feeling started to effect my personality, turning me into what you all seen in high school. I was a complete asshole to way to many people and in way, way to many situations. I was just running from my pain and doing whatever it took to feel alive. Then what I was talking about what happened two years ago, which will actually be 3 now, that right there really made me wake up and smell the bullshit, and I started doing more right then wrong because I never wanted to be hurt like that again. Thinking that the more good deeds I did, I could make up for all the wrong I have done. Nevertheless, that did not last for every long, I needed someone to save me, someone to show me whats really right and wrong. I wished and wished for that special someone for the longest time then heather… my angel, came back to me and everything just kind a worked out from there on out. I finally got over my dad’s death because I let go off the bad feelings that were clouding my judgment before hand, I quit all of the bad habits I used to do, and I got my life together. I have great family, friends, my otaku “my hobbies or what I enjoy doing” and of course the best girlfriend a guy could ever ask for, what I would wish for on b-days or every time id throw a coin in a wishing well. I have everything a man could ask for, now I ask myself is that the reason why I do whats right now or make the right choices, what if I lose it all one day will I still want to be good pre say or will I turn bad into what I used to be like, I pondered this quiet a bit and I believe I will continue to do the same no matter what. Because people don’t change only situations, and the fact that I was a bad person in the first place I was just not where I belonged, I was fooling myself, because even when I was like that everyone could see that I was trying to do good and if I wasn’t any good of a person I would not have even bothered. Its not that my personality was bad it was that I had too much bad habits covering it up. I was just with the wrong crowd at the wrong time because of that cloud hanging over me making it hard to determine which road I really wanted to take in life. Well I am glad I choose to be on the right side, the jedi side, lol. That ones for Mario, who I consider my true best friend. Anyway this is what I always wanted was to do all of that and all I needed was a little help a boost to get me in the right direction and I own all my things to heather she really is my hero for that. Thanks baby. So I’m sorry if I ever hurt anyone during those crazy 7 years of my life, I am truly sorry and will do what is necessary to make it up to u. that’s why I hate to see good pple follow the wrong crowd because they think its cool or something, its really not take it from me, u might have fun, but you will get into trouble after trouble and its really not worth it, I've been there and believe me court and probation sucks. Carlito says that’s not cool, lol! Oh and for all you haters out there, if you have a problem with me take it up with me, don’t be a little pussy and go around telling everyone else when you know it comes around to yours truly so please make your trip fast and easy, just come to me, I’m sure we can work something out and if you don’t want to work with me u don’t have to you can kiss my ass, and leave me alone problem solved. If you think I am immature for having a good paying job, going to night school to get my diploma, so I can one day get an even better job. Having the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Having good family and friends in my life, the pple who I care about most and who care about me. Doing what I like to do, having fun, enjoying life. Hell if that is immature, then fuck u, who are u to tell me how to live my life, do I tell you how to live yours, you’re not god assholes. Maybe you’re just jealous. I really do not care and its people like that who I have cut out of my life. Now good day… I say I said good day!xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /....

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