This is John-o in the dirty 30

Nov 26, 2007 19:38

The Dirty Thirty

30 unknown facts/secrets about yourself:

1. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
aaaaahhh... wow. I would like to say never but I do have a shaved smiley face on my right leg.

2. What were you doing this morning at 1am?
listening to music while mediatating.

3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
on myspace at the libary talking to dan when I school be at my academy

4. What are you wearing?
hoodie with striped shirt and tight jeans

5. Are you mad at anyone right now?
nope, I only have a problem with my stomach, cuz Im hungry.

6. Last person to say they loved you?
My mom

7. Last time you made-out?
today with my beautiful gf Heather

8. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile?
no not really... its a new band Im checking out

9. Last thing received in the mail?
my check from work

10. Do you have any famous relatives?
yeah me hehehehehe

11. Do you enjoy an ice cream novelty treats?
sure, is that the thing with sponge bob on it?

12. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
all the time... its the gift that keeps on giving.

13. How is your hair?
usually spikey and totally kewl!

14. How many different drinks have you had today?
quiet a few.

15. What have you eaten today?
a dolifin? what do u thing Im going to say, of course food.

16. Are you any good at math?
Id be lieing if I said yes?

17. Do you see yourself on a billboard?
maybe, if I can punch bill gates in the face, that will put me on the list.

18. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
Ive done that before, but its not like,"omg lets go to the beach so I can write my name in the sand, we will lay by the bay play with some clay we will have a day whadaya say?.... no

19. Most painful dental procedure?
the holes in my teeth right now.

20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
yes, thanks alot matt!

21. Do you like the ocean?
yeah, but Ive never seen it in real life it would be kewl

22. Do you ever see yourself with a nose piercing?
maybe, but thats more of a girl thing for me.

23. Something you are excited about?
having only three days of work this week so I have time now to hang with my babie.

24. What did you do today?
in a nutshell, I woke up, went to work, spent time with the girlfriend, went to the libary chilled with nate and emily here and on this com.

25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
yeah, on the sias side we are strong pple, greeks are gods like that, ahahaaha

26. Where do you keep your change?
in my change purse, what else? No in my pocket or my tin can I keep money in at home.

27. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
you should know

28. Would you rather sleep alone or with someone else?
I like the someone else part, but please never with two gay guys again, please.

29. What was the weather like on your Birthday?

30. Who do you love at this time and why?
My gf heather, famliy and friends.
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