Interview by dan the wolf man

Aug 06, 2007 19:57

Friday, July 06, 2007

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Writing and Poetry

Quiz for the one and only John Paul Sias "John-O", questions interviewed by Bam Dan "wolf"

1. Who are your best friends?
Sean and Dan, they mean the world to myself.

2. Whats most important to you?
My family, friends and otaku.

3. Who do you hate?
My uncle and all the evil in this world and the next.

4.The worst thing thats ever happened to you?
Dads death it never seems to go away... it is the case of all my probs. to this day.

5. Do u consider yourself a good person?
Why wouldnt I, Im not perfect but who is, I have my probs just like everyone else.
But when it comes down to it, im probley better then most pple, since Im one who acully cares.

6. Hows life?
mmmmmm its something else I'll tell u that, lol. Man am I living!

7. What are you thinking right now?
Why Im taking this quiz? There all the same, You wanna know something about just ask, dick!

8. Fuck you?
Not if I fuck you first!!!!

9. Whats your greatest motivation? To do what everyone else thought I could never do, be one of the best! Every step I take is another achivement, surprise!

10. What do you want to do with your life?
I want acid spit!!! I want to be famous, I want to be a house hold name, I want my face to be on everything! I want my band to make it big and my dumbass crew to spun a new fad!

11. Do you have a lover or soulmate?
I wish, thats one of my dreams to find my one, not anymore bullshit like in the past, I had my fair share of gf's and they can all burn in hell, if you want me come get me, love sucks my balls!

12. Any influences?
Plenty, expecally my little brother who inspired me to acully live this long and of course sean who showed me I can be all I can be.

13. Do you consider yourself a good influence?
mmmm yeah I do, kids love me, and I have a way of presaying pple. I may act like a dumbass, but I have my morals and I stick by them.

14. Do you believe in god or the supernatural?
Yes very much, in both jesus died for us why not live for him, right? Anyway if u seen some of the stuff I have through out ths life of mine then u would believe too. There is something out there. After all I do hunt spirits

15. Why do you hate love?
I dont I love love! But it just hasnt found me yet so I envy it cuz of that fact. Thats why I dont like love songs right now, but when it does find me, Ill probely have a change of heart on the whole subject.

16. Does Mike really stick golf balls up his ass?
Is this even a question, its a fact man.

17. Why do u act like such a dick?
Cuz I love that additude, I can be sarcastic and make jokes about everything and do whatever I want and get away with it, but anyone who really knows me, knows that thats what I choose to show pple and then theres much more to know. Im a nice guy" two thumbs up with big smile" what a dick!

18. Why do you do what you do?
Because I can, My crew owns Mi., mostly sterling hts. cuz thats our home town.

19. Any hobbies?
Yeah, doesnt everyone, drawing, playing music, writing, reading, doing dumbass skits, pranks and jokes, wrestling, being a dick, dealing with my oc...

20. now to wrap this up, any last words?
Yeah.... PEACE OFF!
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