Nov 29, 2006 15:15
Anyone else have horrible college food here? *raises hand* Penn College is supposed to be a culinary school, but the food sucks donkey balls. Just about the only good food I've found is at the salad bar, and only if you get regular ranch dressing and have the spinach spring mix. The soup, and I'm a big soup fan, is watery even when it's a 'cream of' something. Awful. But I didn't have time to pack my lunch so I have to eat here. I went looking for the menu on the website when I saw this headline:
Penn College Food Services Milk Gets High Ratings
In a recent research project, conducted by Penn State, Penn College's milk is ranked 2nd best (PDF). (last part was a link)
Seriously? Milk? What the fuck does the college have anything to do with producing milk? Some farmer milks a bunch of cows, pasteurizes it, and sends it. The college keeps it cold and (hopefully) cleans the milk dispensers.
And some raving reviews:
"My son is very happy with your food and would be upset if he couldn't eat there." - A parent
Obviously he grew up on McDonalds and frozen french fries.
"The food is good and the staff is very friendly and kind. I am also impressed with the variety of things available from Steamers (Susquehanna Room). So far there has been something new everyday." -student
Stick around for a few weeks, son.
"I just wanted to thank you and all who are involved in providing the food services. My son tells me that the food is really good and he enjoys it. This takes a big load off of my shoulders. Again THANK YOU!" - A thankful parent
Again, McDonalds, oh or maybe Burger King (there are always burgers cooked on the disgusting grill)
"My son says your cafeteria is great!" - Parent
Do you people ever eat out or try different cuisines? Grandma's home cooking? Anyone? Beuler?
Not to mention the cheese they use has a mysterious effect on the need for a toilet use a couple hours later. It's just disappointing, and I've really taken to bringing my own lunch but I'm SOL today.
But, I probably shouldn't complain much, at least I will be eating today. >.>
Only 2 1/2 weeks left of this semester, then a WHOLE month off, during which I got to Italy for a 10 day exchange. So, I look forward to that.