
Oct 06, 2004 21:13

This election thing has gotten out of hand. Don't you think? Bush's side keeps pissing me off though. Its funny, yet disturbing, that Bush's side keeps saying they matched Kerry in the debate. Bush didn't even know the difference between Saddam and Osama for crying out loud. Can you imagine having to be one of those people that have to sit there, smile, nod and say "I think we did very well tonight. I think we faired very evenly with Kerry" (as people in the back ground are sneezing,"bullshit" behind his back). Kerry made a good point before the debates took place saying that George Bush doesn't win debates based on brains but on style. I don't know if I'd call it style unless you're one of the white trash, redneck, dumbass conservatives that are going to vote for him. Its sad how many of those people are out there. A lot of them are in my family which is scary enough. I can just see two of them sitting on the couch now... "Well Jim Bob, that George W. really talks my language. He's been learned so well and had such a good edumication.". The disturbing part is the people that are going to vote for him just because he's supposedly a "born again christian, and I just know that he will do the best he can to uphold the most rigid christian values while in office." Does sending thousands of troops overseas, far away from their families, and possibly to death over Bush's need to impress his dad by finishing his battles sound like the "christian" thing to do?!! And by the way, when you vote for Bush, you're voting for the puppet face of the republican party. All Bush has done is what he has been brainwashed to into doing. What's sad is his coersiveness toward such a big population of this country. I can't say that I'm a huge fan of Kerry either. He's a lawyer- enough said. I think he's better than Bush though. People give him hell for changing his mind a lot, but at least he's using his own instead of being force fed everything like Bush (not that he isn't to some degree though- All politicians are because they are endorsed by their party). Politicians are so fake too. Look at John Edwards for example. The guy looks like a manakin brought to life. That smile of his is plastered to his face like a mister potato head mouth. Anyway, I'm outta wind on the subject now.... finally.
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