Take the quiz:
"What Olympic Sport Are You?"
You're a diver. judges score on the basis of form, execution, and degree of difficulty. There are six groups of dives and four basic midair body positions: tuck pike straight and free. On springboard, divers usually perform five dives with degree-of-difficulty limitsone dive from each group except armstand. You're much like a gymnast but have the passion for water and flying through the air while falling and twisting. Takes concentration and skill.
Take the quiz:
"What is your future gunna be like?(pix)"
You have a nice family. You have a good paying job. Kind of like the brady bunch meets the newlyweds minus all the kids and the richness and money. This is probably the best result you could have gotten. Unless you wanted something else.
Take the quiz:
"Which Animal Are You? (pictures and reasons)"
WTF??!?!?! I ain't no alien..lol..r u scared of me??? I don't think of myself as the scary type..lol