i have a pretty loud outrage massive ton of words to say right now but its all mixed and mashed up into a pile of nothings. DARN IT.
but anyways, friday was the chill out till late day as usual, i went for a morning swim and later was lunch at tampines mall. i had yong tau fooooooo!
met shoes at siglap startbucks after that, and we always have miscommunication problems. haha, okay mostly more of my fault but im still declaring both parties at fault. anyways, i hate the typical walk into starbucks and a swoomppppp of judgemental eyes just POP here and there and they glare at you? ME AGAINST THE people on the seats kinda situation? YUCKS. so i sat outside till shoey came and HOHOHO, she brought nik/nick along. what a small little world, or rather. what are the odds for schoolmates to bump into one another? the odds are high, pretty high:) its kind of cool if everybody just bump here and there huh??
hmm, later we headed to shoe's place, left for town, ate billy bombers!!!!! miss shu rui was nuts and head over heels over the cheeseee. hahaha. OHHHHH! STUPID FAST AND FURIOUS had strange timings so we couldnt catch it :( shoes finally got her gorgeous little studded zara belt and later we had a nice chat at wheelocks starbucks. as usual, both of us bumped into people, which reinforces the " odds are high of bumping into one another".
yupp, thanks for hangingout shoes! we'll see when the 4 month drift pact starts/ends yep :D honestly, it'll be quite sad but then again we're cool like that, HAHA.
lastly, it sucks knowing sometimes you are dying, like literally DESPERATE to tell someone your deepest darkest secret but you cant!! Yes,why not, just do it! But its just, NO I REALLY CANT STOP MAKING ME WILL YOU?! its tiring and you beat yourself up. im sure im not the only one who feels this way.. maybe this problem has no solution, or does it? NAH.
a penny for your thought: what if you were caught digging your nose like really unglamourously and someone tells everybody and even has a photo of you caught in action?
to the smartass who asked me this, you are hilarious and ridiculous,lol. till then, lovelove.
i wonder whats the story behind the logo, weird weird.
meet shoes my lame buddy.
i miss every bit of my regret.