Apr 25, 2006 15:16
Idea: Neopian Times story, possible series, about a group of young Neopets who come together to give Neopia a sound it's never heard: big band swing.
The Band Members: For the sake of simplicity, not all instruments will be represented, leading to inaccuracies in band setup, but this discrepancy is followed by several other official Neopian bands so it shouldn't be a problem. No bandleader, either. Members of the band will represent minor Neopian species.
On trumpet: Cal, a Brown Skeith nicknamed "The Hurricane" for his legendary lung capacity. The natural leader of his group of friends, Cal is dynamic and friendly, with a roaring voice and an appetite to match. His goal is to make a difference in Neopia through his music.
On trombone: Marietti, a Pink Jetsam. She breaks all previous Jetsam stereotypes by being an absolute sweetheart. She doubles as the band's manager, but she has a hard time turning down requests, so the band finds themselves doing all sorts of crazy gigs.
On drums: Kestril, a Yellow Xweetok. The smallest member of the band, but he makes up for it by having more energy than everyone else combined. A real showoff, he puts style and flair into everything he does, whether it be playing the drums or even eating a sandwich (I don't know how he manages that one).
On stand-up bass: Sofronia, Sofry for short, a tall, lanky Starry Nimmo who enjoys meditating. She is a deep thinker and believes in the power of music to heal, uplift, and inspire. Her long fingers are perfect for plucking strings with deft precision.
The first story will be about the band's first gig and the realization that a key sound is missing, although since they are the first of their kind they don't know quite what. While taking a walk and thinking about the problem, Cal hears the strong, soulful sound of a saxophone. This leads him to the band's newest member:
On sax: Harry, a Mutant Elephante who discovered his love for the sax and taught himself how to play after his newbie owner accidentally fed him an Elephante Transmog Potion and promptly abandoned him. He lived on the streets for a while, earning a meager living playing his prized sax. Firey and quick-tempered, but a good friend. He doesn't let his hideously mutated appearance get to him.
Together they are Errorfully Clever! (Thanks to Adam for the name!)