Apr 20, 2009 19:40
Stopped in at the market to fill in some holes left from the last bachelor supply run. Lists? Who needs lists? Among the items my Bachelor Sense told me to pick up was a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Sadly, none of the options available by Mgrs. Ben & Jerry were my usual. I was forced to gamble. Smores flavor was a very good gamble. Maybe too good a gamble.
I am about 10 chapters away from finishing my first edit of the novel. Then, I have to go back and incorporate all the notes for each chapter from my writer's group. I've been working on this so long, half the people who've weighed in on the first half of this thing aren't part of our group any more. And there's a lot more work left yet.
I'd like to officially take credit for baconalia, the term. Baconalia the event is all Kate. In urelated news, I should start spending more time hanging out with Kate. Don't worry, Justin - my interest is entirely culinary.
Life was good today. Quiet, thanks to the Marathon. Usually, that just makes work a headache. That's it. Oh, and I was listening to NPR during the day. Apparently, there was something else going on in th world besides the Marathon. Hm.