(no subject)

Aug 07, 2009 02:28

Quizzo tonight. Won a free t-shirt because I yelled out that the real name of the Taco Bell dog was Gidget...before he even finished the question. Because I'm that awesome. We didn't win but we had a great time. Got to see Avi, a friend I haven't seen in ages and we are totally hanging out at Fest next week. SO EXCITED!

Friday night is Project Philly and then Cara and I run over to Paul and Storm/Arrogant Worms and pray we didn't miss too much. We're probably going to be noticeably late, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get called out on it. Mum and Dad will be there early so we will definitely have seats.

During the day Mum and I will go shopping so I can get more pants. Italy destroyed my favorite jeans. :-( Must replace them!

ETA: When waiting for Chris to finish up work, Nonee, Jess and I saw this guy walk out of the restaurant and I immediately said, "dude has Edward Cullen hair". Then he turned and we saw his face looked very Elijah Wood-esque. This guy is what would result if Robert Pattinson and Elijah Wood had a baby.


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