NABA Day One

Mar 02, 2009 17:22

First day of NABA classes. The first went pretty well. It's an after effects class but I already know the program so that makes life way easier. Also, he talks while doing what he's talking about on the computer so I can follow that way. Wish I knew how to get onto the NABA wifi, then I'd be set. Sadly it requires managing proxy settings manually (which I have the info for) and then signing on with a password. I thought I knew my password...apparently not. May have to ask Aleksandra for help on that later. Second class was history of graphic design. Did not understand much but he uses slides and gave us artist names. Can find other info that way (like time period and whatnot). Talked to him after class about exams and it sounds like there is only one exam where he shows a slide and we identify artist/year made/period/etc (much like Pratt) and some oral exam...this last part makes me nervous but he said it's all very easy. Considering how people were talking throughout the lecture I think the students here don't care much about the art history classes.

Tomorrow I have multi-layer at 5:30-7:30 PM and nothing in the morning. May swap into morning after effects class instead of doing it on Monday so I don't have such a dead Tuesday and can do a late morning on Mondays. Teacher has offered this so I know it would be okay. I have his email if I decide to switch. No idea what multi-layer is but I think it involves photoshop...? Will see tomorrow.

Rest of the week is as follows:

Tuesday- Multi Layer from 5:30-7:30 PM

Wednesday- Art and Copy (which I may drop if there is a better Wed. class, would rather take Art and Copy at Pratt if going to take it at all) from 9 AM to 1 PM

Thursday- Photography (hoping for Italian version of Kontzias as teacher) from 9-11, then Web Design from 11-1 (no idea what level of proficiency I must have for this class, hopefully will have a little review and then move onto flash or something)

Friday- Lettering from 9-11 (hear this is like calligraphy or something, may see if I can switch into Wednesday Lettering class that is from 5:30-7:30 PM)

Am now off to go get some food at the supermarket. Tonight will continue unpacking.

ETA: Birthday on Sunday. Just sayin'.

italy, italian, naba, milan

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