(no subject)

Dec 24, 2008 17:45

Fun fact: I wouldn't know that tonight was Christmas Eve if I hadn't actually gone out today and seen the people getting their last-last minute gifts. Wawa was surprisingly packed. Apparently those gift cards make fab stocking stuffers.

Anywhoodle, I'm off to Chinatown to fulfill Jewish stereotypes. It's going to rock! And then tomorrow we're having a Jew Party where we have all of our friends over and make koeksisters, a family tradition. Ours look WAY more appetizing than the pictures included in that article, btw. My main job is syrup. It is the last part of the process and arguably most important. I mean, who wants to eat plain, fried dough with nothing on it? No one, that's who! So it's all about the syrup, baby. But back to the whole "Jew Party" thing. We're inviting everyone over to make 'em with us (aka forced labor) and then we're going to eat tons of Kosher food and whatnot. It's pretty much the most awesome thing ever. P.S. To my goyim, if you are bored being with your families tomorrow, give me a call and I'm sure you are more than welcome to join us in our blasphemy.

I've gotsta get dressed now because I think we're leaving soon. Ciao.
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