Sep 26, 2008 23:14
Yup, I watched it like a good little voter. I'll admit that sometimes I tuned out because it was super boring. Anyway, here are some thoughts in list-ish form:
-McCain said that he was "no Miss Congeniality" twice. Of course he isn't!!! He's a DUDE!
-Obama interrupted McCain a bit too often. Not a good idea.
-As I told Jeff, McCain was a condescending douche to Obama with this "Oh, he's so naive! I am SO OLD and know EVERYTHING about THE WORLD"
-Tea is an underrated foil for diplomacy! Scones seal the deal!
-OMG DIPLOMACY SLEEPOVER!!! Oh would I love to be a fly on that wall when they start up playing 'Never Have I Ever'!
-Best.Idea.Ever, guys: BEER DIPLOMACY!
Wasn't impressed overall. I don't think either answered questions particularly clearly and there was a lot of waffling. Mom thinks McCain came off as more of a waffler. I think both came off as childish at times. Of course, these debates tend to be like that so I don't know why I was expecting more. Maybe it's because both candidates are supposed to be really good at debating (yes, I'm avoiding the "master debater" joke). So yeah, I'm hoping it gets better.
politics...obviously the devil's work