(no subject)

Jul 31, 2008 04:06

Twilight Review Vlog is pretty much done. I've cut the footage together and there are bits where it's mostly my footage and Melis's because we filmed the most but I've tried to balance it out. Anyway, I'm currently working on background music and I think I've done okay with that. I've pretty much put whatever I thought would work in the background and be fun. I'm currently stuck on what song to used for the credits (yes, I'm doing credits...mostly because I feel like it, I'll decide later if they stay). Also debating random video to put after said credits...and possibly outtakes (not that there really are any from people other than me). Anyway, the song. I need song suggestions. I'm thinking pop music. Or something really serious. I don't know. I'm leaning towards upbeat pop music. Suggestions?

The review is almost a half hour long...wow.

vlog, because we're awesome, addicted to pop culture, review, sparkly vampires

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