Fun SA Fact of the Day...sort of

Jan 19, 2008 11:32

So the SA post is taking its sweet time being written. Mostly because I can't remember what happened in any particular order and am trying to sort it all out. In the mean time, classes have started and I'm back to work.

Fun SA Fact of the Day:
South Africa LOVES the movie Cocktail. Of course, I'm basing this off having seen it playing on their movie channel twice during the vacation. But honestly. Cocktail? The best part about that movie is Doug. And if you've seen it you know how that turns out.

Another Fun Fact of the Day:
I get a student discount at Forbidden Planet. I'm not sure if that goes for all college students or just those who go Pratt.

I geeked out with two random guys in the Doctor Who toy section of FP. It was awesome. One thing that I found odd...the Slitheen set for DW has Ten in it and not Nine. Seems a bit strange since Slitheen were a first season thing.

Off to sort of kind of do homework.

addicted to pop culture, south africa, doctor who

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