Day one of disliking LCD

Aug 31, 2006 16:09

I was told that LCD was the most evil class that is required of all freshmen. I thought it was exaggeration, maybe it still is. But now that I've had it I know this will be my most tedious and annoying class. Well, maybe Art History will beat it in the first part. I haven't had that one yet. But LCD-- the teacher is nice but I don't care enough about colour to feel as enthusiastic about the subject as he does. And he said he didn't want to give us work before everyone got this crazy expensive paper-- colour-aid (about $120) and then proceeded to "piggy back" onto our drawing assignments. We need to draw, in my case, three shoes but cannot do diagonal lines, only vertical and horizontal and it must be in red, blue and yellow. Needless to say, my piece is going to suck. And I haven't even started the drawing homework yet. I've been doing 4D. I really need to work on everything else...gah!!! I need to stop procrastinating.

Other than that, my roommate's stuff is now here. She, on the other hand, is not. I don't know when she got here or when she put her stuff in the room but there are boxes and bags all over her side of the room. I wonder why she didn't unpack. I also wonder where she was living before since she obviously had class earlier this week (she mentioned something about it in an email). I don't know what's up but I'd really like to meet her. Y'know, considering I'm living with her. Unfortunately, I'm so used to living alone that I don't know how I'll react to living with someone. I'll adapt. I really hope she's nice. That will make life easier.


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