(no subject)

Aug 15, 2006 18:36

Day two of the last week of camp is over. The show was today. Our kids stood on stage while we, the counselors, sang along and did the hand motions at the sides. They were cute, which is the entire point of the show. And the parents got to meet each other during the food time after the show ended. It was funny to see the parents of these two kids I decided were going to get married meet. They exchanged information so the kids could have playdates and took a picture of them together. I hope those kids stay friends for a very long time.

It's weird that I've hung around these kids for so long and have gotten to know them all very well. I probably won't see them again. But somehow, as a counselor, we've affected their lives. Maybe it's not a big thing, but it happened. They won't always remember us, I doubt they will at all, but as my mum's said, we'll be with them somehow always. Sounds cheesy. But it seems true.

Good: Cara and Ben made my day yesterday by driving by me as I was walking home in the opposite direction, turning around and picking me up. The picking me up and giving me a lift the rest of the way home was not what made my day but seeing them for the brief time I was in the car. And the kickass playing cards they got me from Bed Bath and Beyond. They've got random drink recipes on them with a picture of the drink and directions on how to make it. Incredibly awesome!!! Thank you two very, very much!!!! I heart my friends!

Bad: I feel sick. It's a cold, really. With a side of anxiety. But I'll get over it.

I should really be packing. Meh, I'd rather read fanfic.

friends, jcc, gah!college

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