It's making me hate all of those authors considered "great". For example, I'm currently loathing Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. I chose to read The Nun's Priest's Tale because my mother said it had been funny when she'd read it...35 years ago. It's about a rooster named Chanticleer and a dream he has predicting his doom. That wouldn't be a bad thing to read if I didn't have to answer painfully stupid questions about it that involve analyzing each and every fucking word in this 69457049854098 line poem. My teacher is an idiot. I don't understand how she could have passed whatever tests teachers take to get into the profession. She's a fucking English teacher who doesn't use correct grammar or spelling and repeats herself constantly. She.never.shuts.up. OMGHATE! And because of her I'm beginning to hate the writing I used to like. I would probably love The Canterbury Tales if I read them on my own time or with a better teacher. I would love Chaucer and want to read everything he's ever written. But no. I'm stuck with a teacher who sucks ass and insists that we answer questions about how a fucking tale. "What can we tell about Chaucer by the way he describes characters in your particular tale? How does this tale give insight into the people of the age? Explain and Illustrate by giving specific details from your story." Doesn't sound too bad, right? Except that my tale is timeless. It's a fable. It doesn't give any insight. Well, it does when at one point Chaucer has his rooster saying he'd have sex with his girlfriend/wife if the nest were bigger...and that insight is that Chaucer has a dirty mind. How he went from debating the significance of dreams to sex in a nest, I have no idea. So now I'm stuck with a tale about a horny rooster and an assignment due tomorrow that I have no idea how to do. Thanks Thornton. Thanks a lot. Really, I totally appreciate your stupidity.
P.S. Learn to spell. You're an English teacher for god's sake!
Note to self: Remember music dept. sitcom idea for future reference.