(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 20:14

Torrents are weird. I'm still trying to get used to them. I'm now attempting to download Stargate SG-1 season 2. Let's see if it works...

I'm doing my SBMB comic thing in my comic book illustration class. This means the next one shall look professional (if I do it the right way, that is). My teacher likes my drawing style. He says that I am better than the guy who drew the Marvel comics (specifically the Rogue comic) I'm using as guides. W00t!!!

Damn, the download didn't seem to work. Help please from those of you who are experienced with this sort of thing...*looks pointedly at klo_the_hobbit and jdcohen*

-Harry is obsessed with Draco. *giggle* My inner fangirl squeed aloud at this point. I also exclaimed "H/D=OTP!" and my mother looked at me like I was crazy.

-Tom Riddle may be evil but he's damn hot.

-RAB = Regelus Black, probably. Many others have said this and it's what I thought after reading that part.

-Chapter 2 was trying to show how evil Snape was way too much and I'm therefore doubtful of his true evilNess. I mean, if I were evil, I'd totally beat Harry up a bit while he's down (without leaving too much permanent damage). But Snape was all, "No Potter, don't use unforgiveable curses. You're too good to do it anyway. And while you're unarmed, how about I tell you all about this book I wrote in while I was in school. Interesting, huh?" or something to that effect.

-Harry/Ginny? Totally saw that one coming. I have to admit that I'm glad it's over. Sexually frustrated!Harry is more amusing than Getting Some!Harry.

-Ron/Hermione. Also saw it coming. Ron is totally clueless when it comes to girls so he's bound to screw up at being a boyfriend. I mean, if JKR ever actually gets that far with their relationship. Seriously, just have them hook up already.

-Lupin/Tonks. I'd like to congratulate lnevans for seeing the potential in this pairing before many of us did. I was one of those thinking it wouldn't happen. And I was wrong. Sara, you must be fangirling so very much right now. *hug*

-Draco Malfoy is more than a two dimensional character? w00t!

-Slughorn reminds me of that teacher you don't especially like but has some redeeming qualities. This is much like my old chemistry teacher. I really didn't like him because of his mood swings. I swear that guy was PMSing...or whatever the male equivalent is to that. But he had pretty good taste in music, used a Batman cartoon to teach us some random property and quoted Monty Python sometimes. Despite all of these good qualities, I succeeded in disliking him. Mostly because he threatened to fail all of us if one freakin' lighter wasn't returned. But I digress...

-I understand that there are only so many options when using an anagram but I still don't think that "Voldemort" is a menacing name. But it's no use arguing with villains. They are so stubborn.

-JKR, you didn't have to pair up everyone with everyone else. Seriously. It's cool to have some single people in your books. We people without significant others function quite well on our own, thankyouverymuch. But they are your books...

-If Felix Felices (or whatever it's called) takes six months to brew, how did Slughorn get it ready in time for classes to start? Some people say that Snape made it and left it for the next Potions teacher. But does that really make sense? Ditto with leaving his old book. I would think that'd be useful to keep around. Methinks something tricky is afoot.

All in all I enjoyed this book. I loved learning more about Voldemort's past. It's interesting to have the backstory even if it basically says he was bad from the very beginning. Plus the lack of angsty/angry!Harry was a huge relief. He gets so annoying when he's like that. Well, we probably have about two years until the last book comes out so we have to wait for all of our theories to be found correct or incorrect.

harry potter, torrents

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