Sep 04, 2006 20:48
well thats stupid, i cant upload a pic... i feel stupid i didnt know that though.
the doggy saw a horse for the first time in his life while out on his walk today lol. i was wondering what he and the cat would do when they saw a horse- cuz people ride their horses all over the place around here. I often see people riding their horses on the bike lanes in front of my house. i just thought it was funny- apparently the doggy was like- 'what the hell is THAT?!'
im sad, they stopped showing dr who every night. it was going to be my consolation for missing House tomorrow, and every tues after that. i didnt realize that dr who airs from april to july instead of september to ... april? im used to. I basically just saw a large chunck of season 2 of dr who though cuz they were playing it every night as re-runs, but i believe it hasnt played in the US yet. same with any other show that is played in other countries. im just going to have to go track down the dvds now ^^.
i turned in my application thing to try to do, hopefully, lighting for the school musical. im assuming that will work out, but i dont really know how everything funcions yet.
did anyone hear steve irwin died? i cant believe it- ive been watching his show with my family since i was really little, and we were actually just talking about him a day or two ago. its really sad- and he died from a stingray, which doesnt normally attack or anything.