Jan 30, 2005 00:52
This afternoon I found out that my friend Jill Duthu died on Tuesday. From what I found out from her uncle was that she went in for some tests on Monday, she was supposed to go back sometime on Tuesday for some more tests as well. She was complaining about having problems breathing, then she fainted. Her parents are rushing her to the hospital, but she didn't make it. On the way to the hospital she died in her mom's arms. She has been in and out of doctor's appointments trying to find out what was wrong with her for at least six months now. No doctor has been able to figure out what was wrong with her or have been misdiagnosing her. Jason, Andy, and I had to tell Chris tonight. We figured it better to tell him what we knew and in person than tell him nothing until we knew exactly what had happened. After we told him and he had calmed down a bit, he decided to call her uncle, who is the only person in her family that ever liked him. Thanks to her uncle we were able to find out what we did. Unfortunately since we found out today and the funeral was yesterday I could not attend, though I think her family wanted it just family anyway, but I am going to go to the cemetery to bring flowers within the next few days.