Aug 25, 2005 11:14
On Monday the 15th I don't think I did much of anything... I think I went to Target with my mom and Emily and then to work at Sam Ash from 4-10. But Tuesday... at the bright hour of 8:30 AM, Kristine calls me and makes me get up and shower to hang out with her. Alllllllll day. First we drove around and went to 7-11, and then over to Wood River so I could get my second PPT shot. OUCH. That's when I got the depressing news that I would be starting work that Saturday instead of the 29th, like I had written on my app. and like Jacqie said I would be during the first PPT test. So I was pretty upset because I thought I'd have this whoooole week off to just relax and chill with people before they leave for college. But no, I'm working. But anyway, after that Kristine took me to the Roosevelt Mall and we walked around and ate pizza, and then we drove back to Btown and decided to watch American History X. I was in a room with all five Vallette kids, it was crazy!!! Anyway, Kristine fell asleep during the movie but I watched all of it and it was a crazy movie, I liked it a lot. Bryce woke Kristine up for me and we decided to both go to our respected homes and take naps, and then meet up later on for bowling. So we did that and then went to Penndel Lanes to bowl, and Hilliary and Karen joined us (plus a bunch of Kristine's friends from work), but when Hilliary and Karen left to pick up Christina and Amanda they decided to go to Brunswick instead and me, Kristine, Mary Kate, and Mary Kate's boy decided to go to the movies. Kristine and I got McDonald's and literally sat through the first five seconds of Hustle and Flow, where we decided the movie was NOT worth our time, so we left. A waste of four dollars, but oh well. Wednesday!!! I got together with Safia and Scott and we had breakfast at Christo's!!!! I grabbed Safia's boob by accident and the two of us were laughing our heads off (Safia was crying, I swear), but Scott missed it so he was kind of confused, but then when he did find out (and saw the picture) he wasn't too impressed, haha. After that we went to Scott's house and played with his dog. We took her for a walk!!! That was fun. Then Scott drove us both home and I went to work at Sam Ash 4-10 and then felt sooo sick so I just went to bed. Thursday I went over to Wood River to get the PPT test checked out and then worked at Sam Ash 10-5. Everybody Wang Chung Tonight came in (aka my friends Kris and Eric and the rest of their bandmates, they were on tour that week) so seeing them was awesome, they were having an awesome tour the last I heard. After work I can't really remember what I did... nothing important or interesting I guess. Friday I had to go to Wood River in the morning to get processed, and then there was a big dispute over the Jeep and I almost got it for my very own, but my dad couldn't find one he liked so he ended up not buying one so we're still semi-sharing it. But I had it all day and I met up with Jessie and we went shopping. I bought black pants and black shoes for work and then a nice brown shirt for play at Charlotte Russe. We ate at Chick Fil A and then Jess had to go back to work so we both went our seperate ways. Friday was my last night at Sam Ash, and it was actually pretty sad. I miss Jay and Bove so much!!! They are the coolest guys ever. I'll get to see them at Eric's party, though :D Friday night after work I just went straight to sleep because I had to get up at 5:30 AM to be at Wood River by 6:30 for my first day of training... oh my Lord. I trained with Kristine so that was tons of fun, we took lots of breaks haha and it wasn't too bad. After an eight and a half hour shift, Mike was home from Bermuda and there at Wood River to pick me up :D :D :D We stopped at my house so I could shower and get changed and then Kevin called, so we went to Taco Bell with him, Alisa, and some other kid... I can't remember his name... but yeah that was a lot of fun. Kevin's mom works at Wood River! After Taco Bell we got ready for Hilliary's party!!! It was fun, there were a lot of people there... I didn't get too drunk because I had to get up early the next day AGAIN for training at Wood River. Mike and I crashed at like one, but at five am there's banging on the door and I'm told Kristine was supposed to go home last night but she's asleep in Hilliary's bed next to Marder. So I got up and tried to wake her up, but she was dead asleep. So we decided to try again at 5:30, but again, no luck. Mike eventually got her up around six by holding her eyelids open and saying she has to get up over and over again. So Kristine leaves and I get ready for work, and Mike drops me off. I get there a little before 6:30 and since it's only my second day of training, I don't really know what to do so I just hang around waiting for Kristine. 6:30 comes, and no Kristine. 7:00 comes, and no Kristine. Levi helps me make the supercereal for the residents and Phil guides me through setting up the trays. 7:30 comes, and no Kristine. I'm frantically trying to direct connect with her and call her, but she's not answering. Now I'm getting worried. I kept thinking she was dead on the side of the road or something. 8:00 comes and it's almost time to serve breakfast, and I'm freaking out, thinking I can't do this on my own!!!! Phil calls down to the nurses and tells them Kristine isn't here so it's only me, and they promise to help me out in every way. I get down there and the cart is all out of order because I couldn't remember who was who and who sat where, but the nurses never complained and just helped me get things served. At 8:30 Kristine shows up, and I never felt more relieved in my life!! She had just fallen asleep on her couch at home and didn't wake up til then. After that the rest of the day was a breeze, besides the two of us having slight hangovers and just wanting it to be over. Mike picked me up again and went to my house so I could shower, and then I had dinner with his family. He promised me a nap so we tried to take one after dinner, but that time was mostly spent watching TV. I'm not sure what time, but eventually we decided to go get something to eat at a diner but when Mike called Tom we ended up stopping at Kim and Amanda's house for their birthday party!! We hung out there for a while and just ate the good food they had, and then Mike drove me home and that was Sunday. Now I'm hungry so I'm going to get some breakfast.