(no subject)

Apr 14, 2008 14:06

I know it's been over three weeks since I posted my last public entry. I'd like to say I have a good reason for waiting for so long, but really the only reason I have is that I haven't been inclined to do so, especially given how busy I've been. Between Computer Science III, work, spending time with friends and family, talking online (another activity I haven't done much of lately but I'm on when I can), and wanting some time to just relax and do nothing (which I know in this day and age is considered to be a great sin), I haven't felt like I've had the time or energy to post an entry, until now. As such, don't expect this entry to be a complete description of what's been happening in my life for the past three weeks. I will do what I can to recall as much as I can as possible, but it will no doubt be a complete description.

By far the biggest piece of news is that my oldest sister Dawn got married a week ago from Friday, and I went to Tucson to join my family for the wedding. My middle sister Melissa and I traveled together via airplane and arrived on Thursday night. The trip itself went smoothly and Melissa, who hadn't flown in sixteen years, handled it pretty well. However, that was the end of anything going smoothly for this trip. Because we had other family flying in and few others had their own rental car and knew were the wedding site or rehearsal dinner were being held, my parents ended up either shuttling people from the airport or led people in their own car to the wedding site or rehearsal dinner. Melissa and I were in the wedding and we ended up missing the whole rehearsal. My mom broke down and cried at one point, saying that she and my dad were missing everything because of all this, even though they were the ones who had paid for most of the wedding. The tension abated somewhat at the dinner, which didn't start until my parents came back with two of my aunts. It was at an Italian restaurant that I forgot the name of. After we ate we went with my parents to the hotel where I ended up getting a room for Melissa and myself since I didn't want to be stuck in my parents' room, plus it would have been four people in one hotel room with double beds, so it would have been pretty cramped.

The next day was the wedding itself, though quite a bit happened beforehand. After taking advantage of the hotel's continental breakfast we went to Dawn and Brian's townhouse in the northern part of Tucson where we pretty much acted as their cleanup crew in preparation for the gift-opening the next day. I ended up sweeping their patio of leaves and got a blister on the base of my thumb as a result. Brian, my dad, and I also went to toe tuxedo shop to try on our tuxes, which I'm glad we did since my shirt was tight around the neck and I was able to get one that fit as a result. Once that was done we went back and took care of Dawn and Brian's two sons, Brodie and Kellan, until it was almost time for the wedding. We drove over to the Z Mansion, an elegant but relatively small (considering the name) mansion in downtown Tucson. I changed into my tux in the cellar, Jared, the other groomsman, did the same (I was asked to be a groomsman since there were so few people on the groom's side and having only one groomsman with two bridesmaids would have looked bad) and then for the next two hours we got our pictures taken, but mainly spent time waiting for the wedding, which I mainly passed by spending time with the mansion's cat. Right before the wedding Brian, Jared, the reverend, and I went to the cellar, which we emerged from once the wedding itself began. The ceremony itself was mostly problem-free; the only problems were Melissa messing up one word in her reading and the various emergency vehicles and their sirens which the reverend had to stop for. After some group pictures the area where the ceremony was held had been transformed into the reception area and dinner began. It was nothing special except that there were more vegetables since Dawn is a vegetarian. After dinner the dance started, and few people danced until I got up during "Celebration" and started dancing as wildly as I could. I don't know what came over me, but it was probably a combination of seeing way too many people just gyrate and call that dancing, my urge to show them that dancing is more than just gyrating, and the sweetness of the cake I'd just eaten. People got into it after that. The dance ended shortly before midnight and the family that owns and lives in the mansion cleaned up while we took Dawn and Brian's stuff to our vehicles. Once we'd gotten the stuff in the vehicles we went back to the hotel for the night.

We spent the early afternoon on Saturday in a common area by the pool of Dawn and Brian's complex watching Dawn open her gifts, which she got plenty of. We also had pizza and fruit. After that Melissa, Jessica, and I spent our time watching over Brodie and Kellan while the older women went to an art fair that was happening in downtown Tucson. They didn't get back until about 9 PM, and it was then that Dawn got back also. At this point my parents and I went back to the hotel and for the only night I slept alone, but not until after I spent some time online and took a quick bath before bed.

Sunday during the day was pretty crazy. My parents, Melissa, and I took Brodie and Kellan for a drive up Mount Lemmon just to the north of Tucson, with three of my aunts following behind us. The reason was that Dawn wanted to get them out of the house for awhile since she had yet to pack to make the trip back to Iowa with us. Brian was nowhere to be found, a common occurrence after the wedding (I don't think I saw him at all on Saturday). The drive up for the most part went smoothly, though my mom kept barking orders to everyone, which irritated me to no end. She'd been doing so throughout the trip but it was here that it really started to get on my nerves. As for my aunts, one of them refused to get out of the car due to her agoraphobia. As we went up the mountain we'd stop at various points to take in the view. We made it as far as the visitor's center, where we shopped for a bit and took in some of the informational displays, then went down the mountain. It was at this point that the boys started crying, and we took them back to Dawn and Brian's place. After we took them back we were on the way back to the hotel to drop me off. On the way I heard an earful about what my parents really thought of Brian, which didn't shock me and which I agreed with, though it was the first time I heard my mother call anyone an "asshole."

The reason why my parents dropped me off at the hotel even though they were going out to dinner with the rest of the family is that I'd been in contact with Reid - reidman to those on Starmen.net - since I'd started donating again (I won't disclose how much I've donated or when) and I'd mentioned that I'd be in Tucson and wondered if he wanted to get together when I was there. He agreed to do so on Sunday night, so after getting back to the hotel and working on a CS III lab he called and said that he and Steve - Plo to those on Starmen.net - were in front of the lobby. We talked for a bit before getting into the car and going over to Steve's aunt's house to pick up Camille - Meellla on Starmen.net. When we got there we chatted a bit with Steve and Camille's cousins as well as Stephanie, their mother (whom I'd also met on the trip over four and a half years ago but never mentioned in this journal until now) while their birds flew around. One of them could talk and I let it perch on my finger before it went over to Camille. Once we left we decided to eat at a Chinese restaurant called the Peking Palace, where we did most of our catching up and where three of the four of us combined sweet and sour sauce and mustard sauce for the first time. It was actually pretty good. After that we went to Reid and Camille's where I met Ruby, their dog, for the first time and ended up playing with her quite a bit. I am for the most part a cat person, but I wouldn't mind having a dog like that at all, especially after Camille let me use a laser pointer, of which Ruby likes to chase the laser dot it emits from. Once Steve got back (he had to take care of something in his and his mother's place next door), we played Brawl, where Steve won most of the games and where I showed off Wario to Reid, whom he said his taunts were "obnoxious." And for the first time Camille actually beat Steve after Reid and me got eliminated. When Reid went back to work Steve and I played Melee, which felt faster than Brawl, which surprised me. We did a rematch of the Samus-Marth matchup of over four and a half years ago and he won as Marth once again. After that we went to Steve's and he show me a lot of the videos he made over the years since I hadn't seen any of them, partly due to my absence from August 2003 to December 2005, partly because I tend to shy away from any video in the Flash format due to its very proprietary nature. A lot of the videos were what he made for the site, including his latest, which I forgot the name of, while others were from past Starmen.net conventions. I actually was quite impressed with what he made for the site as Funfest entries and such. It was after midnight when I decided I should get back to the hotel, so they took me back. We said our goodbyes and then Reid surprised me with this bombshell: he invited me to this year's Starmen.net convention if any spots opened up. I was pleasantly shocked shocked by this news, as I hadn't expected to be invited to any convention given what I'd said about the site in the past and my two-year-plus absence. But I accepted the invitation, especially since it would be only a six-hour drive for me, which means I wouldn't have to fly. I was excited after that and had some trouble sleeping as a result. With all due respect to my family, I have to say that my reunion with Reid, Steve, and Camille was the best part of the trip as I'd forgotten how much fun they were.

The next day we left Tucson, but not before a stressful ride to Dawn and Brian's to get Dawn, Brodie, and Kellan. My parents had to return the rental van also and we cut it pretty close after filling the van's gas tank and returning it. Getting through security was also an ordeal since we had the stroller and car seats for the boys to take along with us. My mom saying we'd never make it didn't help and she kept doing the two things she does a lot: yelling orders at people and predicting catastrophe. We did make the flight, though, despite Dawn and Melissa deciding to grab a burrito each at the last minute. The flight from Tucson to Chicago went smoothly, and we found our gate for the flight to Cedar Rapids quite quickly. I got a bite to eat at the O'Hare Restaurant, where even though it was a sit-down restuarant and bar I was able to eat, pay, and leave in a half-hour. We made the flight to Cedar Rapids, which again went smoothly (I guess my two nephews don't really mind plane rides), and things were okay until we walked out of the airport in Cedar Rapids, where we went out an entrance and there was a long stairway to go down, which wasn't convenient given all the luggage we were carrying. Dawn and I wanted to get the vehicles and pick everyone else up so they wouldn't have to go down the stairs (there was a driveway in front of the stairs), but my mom didn't want to wait and she made it known in her usual angry way, so we ended up hauling all the stuff down the stairs. I went on ahead to get my dad's truck while everyone else stayed by the stairs befor looking for my parents' car. It was a tense moment, as I'd had enough of my mom and Melissa telling me what to do at this point and Melissan and I yelled at each other both when we got to the truck and inside it. We also took in some of my parents' luggage since they didn't have enough room in their car for everything now that Dawn and the boys were with us. The car ride back was mostly quiet except for me griping about my mom and how she'd acted during the trip.

And that was my time in Tucson. If nothing else it reminded me why I don't go with my family on vacation anymore, though I did enjoy some parts of it, and not just when I got to get away with Reid, Steve, and Camille on Sunday night. I did enjoy the reheasal dinner and the wedding reception. The rest I could have done better with as far as dealing with my family, as I know part of the reason why I didn't like it so much was because I was predicting that I wouldn't, so it became a self-fulfilling prophesy. I need to work on not letting my family get to me so much.

I haven't been doing too well in CS III lately. I bombed the fourth homework assignment, getting a 4.5 out of 11 on it. The object was to use a HashTable to keep track of words in a text document and for some reason I didn't completely understand what was going on until after I turned it in. Then I fell behind on my labs since for the eighth lab I had absolutely no sleep beforehand and as a result didn't' comprehend the thing when I tried to do it in class. But I blamed myself for not getting it and didn't have the confidence to try doing it until about two weeks later. Interestingly I had no trouble with the ninth lab. The tenth was assigned a week from last Wednesday but I was sick and decided not to go. Fortunately it doesn't require me to write any code but it's annoying that I still haven't gotten it done. The same with this past week's lab, lab eleven, though I was there for that and got through half of it. I also got through the fifth homework assignment, which required the fourth since it involved profiling, but the prof provided his solution to homework four so I was able to get homework five done. Still, my confidence in my ability to program has gone down because of all of this. I'm still kicking myself for screwing up on the fourth homework assignment and every time I fall behind in my schoolwork I feel like I'm not working hard enough and feel rotten for it. Of course, system administration is my focus, not programming, but there was a thread on the SAGE mailing lists about sysadmins and programming skills and most of the people said that, especially for senior sysadmins they look for good programming skills, and I'm concerned about whether or not I'd ever get to that point. I want to, but I don't know if I'll be able to.

I've been holding off on this for too long. It's time to reveal the Software of the Week I alluded to in my last public entry.

This week's Software of the week is rsync, a utility for keeping files on two or more networked machines in sync. You can also use it to keep files on two different parts of the same machine in sync, and in fact that's what I originally started using it for, but it's really designed for networked use and in this capacity is where it really shines. The biggest difference between rsync and other network file copying utilities is that it only transfers the differences between files over the network, saving bandwidth. In addition, it can also use zlib to compress the connection, and it can use any remote shell program the user wants with the -e or --rsh= options, allowing the use of SSH (which is now the default) to make a secure connection, or the RSYNC_RSH environment variable, though the latter will not be used to connect to a daemon using host::/path notation. It can also run as a daemon for frequently-used connections, and such connections, for the most part, can also be secured. rsync has plenty of other options, including the ability to partially transfer files and pick up where it left off later and the ability to exclude the same files CVS does in its operations.

I originally started using rsync for local files, namely keeping files in my /tmp directory and my SD card in sync while hoping to lessen wear on the card by only transferring the differences between the files in the /tmp directory and the card. This may not have been its intended purpose, but it does work for that function, although it's really designed for keeping files between two different machines in sync. The Unix version is the base version. There's also a version for Windows called cwrsync, created using Cygwin, though I don't think one actually needs to have Cygwin installed to use it (I'm surprised it wasn't compiled using MinGW, which would have made it more or less a native Windows app without the Cygwin dependencies). A GTK frontend also exists called Grsync, but it currently only supports synchronizing files between directories on one machine.

That's all for now, as this entry has gotten quite long and taken way too long for me to type up. Maybe I'll write more about what else went on these past three weeks in the next entry, but I wouldn't count on it.

vacation, video games, family, sotw, socializing, starmen.net

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