welcome to
this is the graphics community for
comments are always wanted.
i like to know where my icons are heading out to.
credit is always needed.
i do put time into things when i should be working.
most posts will be open for a limited time
but then i'll lock them. so joining is necessary.
my stuff will be of the people and things i love.
so this is really a self-satisfying community.
comment to be affiliated.
pink_squirrels go_hoe_yourself evergreene rendezvouss letsfrenchh sp_iconiness just_delicious lemonchelo anewyorkday xlemonkissed blew_akiss graphixfix oh_sunshinee pinknylon twoincolour alchemyblack toxicvanity hautekiss birdofjune perfore fangraphico hollywoodfalls isitsaturdayyet waldorf_ic sexy_mood_music mmedley assezbelle tinypixel vanishingclouds enticedlush kiss_the_past goldenroads soonthecrash sacredicons cherryblue_sky catmasks leightoniicons