(no subject)

May 22, 2005 14:02

So This entry in the account of teh events that took place on Saturday, May.21,2005 When Jeff, Ryan, and I went to saginaw to see Through The Eyes Of The Dead... (trust me your gunna want to read this it's good)

It all started after Ryan picked us up we are driving down hall road when ryan see a girl he thinks is cute but she with her boyfriend. So we stop at the red light and we are next to them and Ryan is staring at them and the boyfriend asks ryan hey what do you want and he says "your girlfriend is hot" this guy replies "what the fuck did you say" and the Ryan says "I want to fuck your girlfriend" and the girl smiled and the guy got pissed and started swearing and shit and it was entertaining.

So we continue are drive to saginaw it was a nice drive out there listenignt o good music and such The prom kings on the radio.. and a newly married couple drove by us and ryan drove really fast.

we get to james town hall in saginaw and we only missed the first band and we got there and listened to the band playing then when they were done we decide to check out the Through The Eyes of The Dead merch. Me and Jeff bought the same shirt and ryan pointed out one he liked and the vocalist Anthony starts talkign to us and tells ryan is he bought that shirt he would some pussy cause all the girls love the shirt he wanted to ryan bought it.

We went to ryan truck so me and jeff could put our shirts in the car and ryan could put his on.. Then we first meet Liza Jade Walker as im starting a fire and then her and her friends left and said they woudl be back later... So we go back inside watch the next band they were good and after they played ryan started talkign to these other three girls and then he went out side with them and me and jeff went to the merch table and he the Invocation of Nehmek cd after The guy gave him a clove cigerette. We go out side and find ryan at his truck talkign to the girls he met so we sat down with them and talked them we went back to watch the next band they were good and we continued to watch the bands and not see ryan up to through the eyes of the dead.

Through the eyes of the dead played and amazing set did great and ryan missed it.. so tehy finished and we were ready to go and ryan says we had to wait cause he was gunna have sex with this girl he met so me and jeff laughed and went back and watched Into The Moat who also did awesome. Then we continued to talk to anthony from tteotd somemore about sex and such and we told him that ryan was getting some action and he was happy cause he tod ryan he would if he bought the shirts and he was right.. then Liza Jade walker came back and we were talkign to her and we became friends with her cause she a cool girl.. (and she likes the putar hahaha ). we have liza walk back to ryan truck with us after a hour and half to break him and his little friend up that was funny then me and jeff stole and carmel apple empanada from the girl and then we said by to liza and were off on our way...

We call jamie and sarah and tell them that we are gunna stop by on our way back.. and then we get lost cause we get caught up in the conversation of the ryan telling us how he gave the girl "oral Pleasure" for a hour and fifteen minutes then we realized we were going in circles and we stop at taco bell for directions and food and the guy in the window asked ryan if he donkey punced the girl....

So now we are heading home on 75 having fun listening to the radio but we cant see shit cause of ryan head light covers so he stops on the side of the road and takes them off... about 25 min later somthin flies up and hits ryan wind shield ad gets stuck under the windsheild wiper and a debate of what we were gunna do we turn the cab light on to find out its ryan cell phone he left it on his hood of his truck when he took off the headlight covers so we pull to the side of the road to get it and hit some sort of land creature that was on the side of the road and then we head back on our way after laughing till we practically pissed our selfs....

So we are back on our way home driving all of a sudden ryans car starts shaking and we realize he got a flot tire so we stop get out to find out the tire is completely exploded to hell and then ryan tells me and jeff that he has no car jack or tire iron so we had to sit there. after a coupl people stop and try and help we get word that we finally are gunna get AAA to come help us this is after about a hour just sitting on teh side of 75... So ryan hangs up and decides he has to pee to he gets out and starts to pee when a state trooper drives by and shines the light on him and then turns aroudn and stops... after about 15 of discussion and me being called 12 by the cop they left and said they woudl come check on us in about a half hour... about 20 min later the AAA guy finally come and asks ryan for his bar to lower the spare tire but ryan doesnt have it so the guy says theres nothing he can do to help us then ryan happenns to find a long ass screw driver in the back of his truck that just so happens works at lowering it and the guy replaces the tire we finally head on our way after about 2 hours sitting on the side of 75...

Then we realize ryan needs gas so we stop at a gas station that is closed only to realize that me and jeff had been there before on another crazy adventure which was weird then we head farther down and find a open BP and stop to get gas and realize we have no money so we find a bunch of change and buy some gas and ryan and i have to go to the bathroom so we go in to find the stall in the bathroom totally covered in poop good thing there was another stall..

Now we are fianlly on our way home when me and jeff realize we are driving through lake orion were we had been chased by a crazy ass guy a couple months back...

Then we are heading home when we realize that ryan is fallign asleep whiel driving and we were like whoah wake your ass up and then we finally get back in home an dits 4:30 am and we are all tired.... ryan never feel asleep again at the wheel.. and we all passed out and i had to wake up in three hours to go to work which sucked haha..

But in all it was a good night Ryan got some pussy, we saw a sweet show, me and jeff made new friends Anthony from Through the eyes of the dead and Liza Jade Walker... And alot of weird shti happened and nothing will ever suprise us again But we had very fun day and it deserved this entry so everyone coupel read are experiance and hopefully laugh as hard as we did

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