Dreaming on

Jun 09, 2019 10:16

I think I've rewatched the Lucifer S4 finale at least five times and have that song floating in my head at the moment. ( the song )

supernatural, thoughts, tv, lucifer the show, music video

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casey28 June 10 2019, 20:03:13 UTC
Sam was there for Nick and showed him compassion, and it turned out badly. In the end, more people got hurt and killed. He was beyond redemption, and the same thing is true for Lucifer. In the cage, for countless years, Lucifer broke Sam, tortured and (implied) raped him, and somehow, Sam is supposed to believe in him and be compassionate?

Angel emotions are supposedly different, but we've seen many instances of them showing lots of emotion (especially Balthazar and Gabriel). And Lucifer has been very emotional, too. Dean did help Cas to change, but Cas was already different, the angels kept reprogramming him so he'd be more like them.

And God was the one who asked him to take the Mark and Lucifer did it for him. So he had good to begin with.

There's no mention of Lucifer ever being good, just that he was God's favorite son, and his choice to take on the Mark. Lucifer never had love for humanity. Also, he passed the Mark on to Cain ages ago, so he hasn't been under its influence for a very long time. Even though Lucifer was under the Mark's influence at one point, he's responsible for his choices and actions after he was freed from it.

Sam talked to Rowena about seeing Lucifer's true face, and how it still keeps him up at night. And Rowena said that she was afraid all the time, after seeing it. They've seen his true nature, and it's a frightening and disturbing thing. At his core, he's evil, and has never shown that he has a good side. Unlike Crowley and Meg, who both did good things and wanted to be redeemed, Lucifer has never shown any interest in being good. He knows how to lay on the charm and the sympathy for the devil crap, but it's all a facade.

Thanks, I'm glad you understand how I feel.


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