Help! For a Friend.

Nov 16, 2014 17:53

One of my friends needs some help paying for the surgery for her sweet little dog. I'm reposting for any of you who would be up for helping out or reposting to your flists. There is a saying here in Japan... Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru... Dust if it collects will become a mountain.

Originally posted by luvdeananddamon at It's Been Awhile
Wow, it's been a long time since I posted anything here or even read any other posts. It's been a busy summer with a lot of changes for me and it's been hard to keep up with some of my online activities.
I moved from Maine to Georgia in June and went right to work looking for a job. Luckily, I found a job in three weeks. And the job is just right for me. I work for a great boss and I have some really awesome coworkers.
My husband stayed behind in Maine to continue working until I found something here that could support us while he looks for a job once he gets here. That's been particularly hard, not having my person around every day and I miss him a lot. He's been working extra hours to pile up some savings for us. He's wonderful and awesome and I'm lucky to have him in my life.
I stayed with my son here in Atlanta until just recently when I found an apartment for us. I moved in and spent my first night here on Halloween and it's nice to have my own place again. My cherished chihuahuas (my babies), Lucy and Penny, have been with me the whole time and are still adjusting to their new surroundings but have been doing just fine. They bring me so much happiness and comfort - they make my life better just by being around and being the bouncy, fun little chihuahuas they are.
Until last Tuesday, 11/4. My son and his partner were here helping me arrange some furniture in the apartment. Lucy and Penny were happy to have some of their people visiting and were very excited about all the commotion. Lucy jumped down from the couch and immediately starting crying. She pulled her right rear leg up and was whimpering in pain from it. Being a very emotional pet parent, I was very upset and started looking for nearby emergency vets I could take her to right away.
I found a clinic not far from me, put Lucy in her crate, made sure Penny was all right and headed to the ER. The vet tech was very nice to us while we waited for the doctor. Lucy was in pain and terrified.
The vet came in with no introduction and immediately started checking Lucy in a very rough manner. She was so afraid, she could not control her bowels! I was so upset I had to leave the room for a couple of minutes because I was crying and making it worse for Lucy. I came back into the room and my poor little girl was now wearing a muzzle and shaking so hard. I picked her up and held her close to me, away from the mean vet. He told me she had torn her cruciate ligament - like a person's ACL - and that she needed surgery. He said he could do the surgery tomorrow and it would be $1800.00. I said I was NOT prepared to leave her there tonight nor to pay for a surgery like that tomorrow. At that, he stopped talking to me and left the room. No recommendations, no pain meds, nothing. As I took the muzzle off Lucy and helped her back into her crate, the vet tech gave me my paperwork stating that I refused treatment for my dog. It was a really horrible experience and one I've never had from any vet before. There was NO way that man would ever touch, let alone treat, my baby again.
I left a message for my new vet in Georgia and took Lucy home. I pulled my mattress onto the floor and me, Lucy and Penny slept there that night so Lucy wouldn't need to jump.
The next morning, my vet's office called and had me bring Lucy right in. Here was the treatment from a vet that I was used to. Dr Kauffman was wonderful to Lucy. She checked her over gently but thoroughly and confirmed what the vet the night before had diagnosed. She referred us to a specialist and ran bloodwork on Lucy in preparation for surgery. She was so good with my sweet girl that at the end of it all, Lucy gave Dr Kauffman a little kiss on her nose. We went home with an anti-inflammatory and some pain medication to keep Lucy comfortable.
So, we saw the specialist today. He was also wonderful to Lucy and spent close to an hour with us. He didn't get kisses from Lucy but she wasn't shaking by the time he was finished with her exam and she didn't lose control of her bowels either.
Lucy is having her surgery tomorrow. I bring her in between 9 & 10 AM and I won't see her again until Thursday. Her prognosis is good but the recovery is long and she has to stay crated 95% of the time for 6 weeks. It's going to be rugged as hell for her and for me for the next few months while she recovers.
The surgery is $2000.00. That takes a huge chunk out of our savings towards getting my husband here. I jokingly told him tonight that it looks like we're never going to see each other again, that we're condemned to only talking on the phone for forever. But not taking care of Lucy is not an option. She has brought so much joy to our lives that to imagine not having her around anymore is too much to bear. She's going to get her surgery and she's going to heal and be just fine at the end of it all. It's the only acceptable outcome.
I've started a fundraiser for help towards these costs. We don't know any rich people that can just throw big money at the fund. We know people that struggle financially but have given $10, $20, or even $50. My husband calls it e-begging and really doesn't like it. I don't like asking for money or help either but it's Lucy. My little girl. My empty nest baby. And I'll do just about anything to help her be okay. I can't imagine my life without her huge presence in it. Just thinking about it breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. I can't do it.
So, e-begging it is. I don't really have any friends on LiveJournal but it feels good to get some of these feelings out and if somehow, someway, someone sees this and donates $5 or $10 - then that will be wonderful. If not, it's okay. This is a nice, private way to get some of this heartbreak and terror out.
This is the link to Lucy's fundraising page. I'll put it here even though I don't think anyone will see this. It's for Lucy.

friend, pets, fundraiser, help!

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