Outlander 1-8 Both Sides Now Comments and Screencaps

Sep 30, 2014 23:30

I liked it! I loved it! Probably better than The Wedding. I'm so glad they ended on that last scene. That was just PERFECT - from Jamie's surprise entrance at the window, to Jack's changing expressions from surprise to disbelief to dawning understanding.

Every single scene was excellent and I liked how they included both sides - Frank's side which was not in the book (at least until quite a bit later) and even included Mrs. Graham suggesting the stones had taken Claire (she was one of the druids after all...) and Frank not believing her(how could he?) but still going to the stones. Frank and Claire hearing each other in the wind and in the voices of nature was very romantic and so dramatic.

The scenery was interesting. I had an image of Claire and Jamie having their little er... time together ... (the second more intimate one) under a tree by a little stream for some reason. Hmmm I'm pretty sure it was, in the book.

Jamie's line about feeling like God sounded really corny when it was said out loud :D I am having a bit of trouble with how young Jamie is. Not that the book did not indicate it, I just chose to see him as more mature, I guess, and those lines just sounded different in my head LOL The "love" scenes are so - not romantic *sighs* but it does make sense story-wise and it is quite cute, so I'm looking forward to him settling down a bit and showing some passion in later episodes LOL

The jumping back and forth between Frank's search and Jamie and Claire - Claire looking like she is having so much fun and Frank desperate to find her....

But this is the issue aye? I remember how in the book Claire narrates how she had felt attracted to people other than Frank while they were apart but she had never acted on it. In this case, she had been forced to act on it and it became something more than just a simple attraction.

Claire experiences four dangerous situations in the episode - the first is the fight with the Grants, which in the book is explained as not serious. They are not out to kill each other - it's a friendly feud and nothing happens to anyone in the McKenzie group. Claire is safe, even though she loses the knife.

"I still think poison is the best weapon for a woman"  "It has it's limitations in hand-on-hand combat" LOL
(VERY meaningful converation...)

(Angus is in charge of showing Claire how to use the little knife.)

Second is the surprise visit by Hugh Munro, which also ends up being friendly.

(While Claire and Jamie have their nice romantic time together, Frank is pleading with the police and being tricked and assaulted.)

Third is the interruption by the deserter English soldiers. Which is quite serious. Although Claire probably is able to get the bastard before much happens, Claire experiences the danger of these times first hand - she, in a way, is in the same situation as Jenny (Jamie's sister) was with Randall aye? And she deep down blames Jamie for not having been able to protect her. That's going to come back in a future episode for sure.

(*squeals* ROGER WAKEFIELD!!!!!)

THEN, she finds her chance to go back to the stones and she does not hesitate. This is quite understandable when we think of what she just went through. Despite the fact that she may have been enjoying herself in this marriage of convenience, even that she had found something very special, it was natural for her to want to go back to the safety and security and love that was in Frank and in the modern age.

(Claire angry, Jamie worried.)

(The focus on Frank's wedding band)

And then her fourth dangerous situation - back in the hands of Jack Randall. Her bluffing about the Duke and Black Jack calling her bluff, her trying to run and then shouting for help even though she knows no one will come to rescue her, Jack, plucking loose the ties to her dress and slamming her against the table ... Where I was watching those deserters with disgust and distaste, and ug... the almost rape scene with Jack was ... I'm trying to find the words to describe it... sensual?! I really got the sense that the deserters were just dirty, desperate men who raped as habit, while Jack was very meticulous and purposeful and ... sadistic.

BANG - Jamie! What a beautiful scene. Love, love, love. Looking forward very much to our next episode... what, 7 months from now?


Well, whoever hasn't read the books sure has the opportunity to do so now aye?

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