SPN 9-5 Dog Dean Afternoon - Screen Cap Frenzy!!

Nov 07, 2013 00:39

Oh, my God. I loved that episode. And I couldn't stop myself from stopping to get screen caps every few minutes! Forgive me for dumping them in here!

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supernatural season 9 comments, icons, dean, art, gifs

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Comments 6

stir_of_echoes November 6 2013, 18:34:11 UTC
I was highly entertained this week, I think my favourite moment has got to be Dean pulling his gun on the pigeon, and Sam pushing him away before he shot it.

Both Jared and Jensen's comedic timing was perfect, and I just loved it so much :)

Lovely icons, his face while eying up the poodle, oh, man.


supernutjapan November 6 2013, 23:02:59 UTC
I loved the pigeon scene too! There is one other scene I really liked but it was hard to describe - when Sam and Dean are talking to the Vegan couple and the couple shows them their eyes... Sam and Dean sinc their arms and bodies exactly as they both draw back. I don't know if it would make a good gif or not but I might try just to remember the scene.

Thanks for commenting on the icons. As usual, you blew me away with your gifs. I'm sorry, I had no words.


stir_of_echoes November 7 2013, 16:12:27 UTC
Oh, yes. I know what you mean and I absolutely love when they're in sync with one another. It happens a lot and I'm not sure whether it's planned or just they're that attuned to each other after all this time working together.

I loved your icons, they're so lovely.


supernutjapan November 8 2013, 02:05:59 UTC
Thank you!
... )


borgmama1of5 November 7 2013, 00:26:24 UTC
Love your gifs!


supernutjapan November 7 2013, 00:28:45 UTC
Hey! It's nice to see you here! Thank you so much!


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