Sunday Post - Art work by Audrey and Julian

Jul 06, 2014 15:52

Today was a typical Sunday. I woke up at 7:00 to wake up Alex for his soccer practice, then as Alex was on the way out the door, hubby remembered that Alex had the second part of his English exam today - this is not a school exam but one used by schools and companies to measure English language ability in Japan. Alex passed the written test with flying colors and today was his interview. Luckily, they had enough time to get ready and Alex was able to go and take the test.
In the meantime, I went back to bed, having had a bit too much to drink the night before - only waking up at 9:30 to get some pancakes for the kids and then lying back down.
Today I wanted to show you two art works, by Audrey and by Julian, drawn on their DS. While Alex is pretty good at copying other people's drawings, Julian is good at making up his own characters and stories. Julian wants to become a game creator or manga artist when he grows up.  Audrey is presently into making little stories so we'll see where that leads!

(Audrey - tooth and "baikin"; inspired by Julian's drawing, mushrooms are unrelated. :P According to Audrey, one is sleepy, and the other is telling it to wake up... which reminds me of Audrey and I this morning...!)

(Julian - inspired by the many cavities found in his own mouth no doubt.)

audrey, julian, art, my day

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