The Friday Five for September 24

Sep 24, 2021 23:23

1. What were you doing in 2001? 2011?
2001: The year I became 30. My second son Julian was born in April. I was teaching maybe around 15 kids in my home with my first son who was 1 and a half years old at that time. I'd started teaching a year ago, when a baby needing lots of attention didn't make much time for my translation job.

The year I became 40 LOL
This was the year of 3-11, When a huge earthquake and tsunami destroyed much life on the coast of Fukushima, and caused a nuclear emergency.  We were not there, so we only had secondary issues.  I remember on that day I still went to work - which was now at a small apartment across the street - and most of the kids still came.  All the kids were sent home early because of the earthquake... no actually we had to go get our two sons from the school.  Many people who went downtown to work walked home (like 4 or 5 hours) because the trains were down.  There was a lack of milk, bread, gasoline... We were going to go visit a potential kindergarten for Audrey - our third child who was then 3 years old - but we didn't have enough gasoline so we didn't.   I bought powdered milk and made my own bread.  From April, Audrey started at a daycare center.  Until then we had talked with her in English only, but there she quickly learned lots of Japanese as well as how to swing from monkey bars.

2. What's something you've kept going for over a decade?
Not quite this blog, which I started 9 years ago, but out English language school and company has been around for 21 years now since we started it in 2000.

3. What's an anniversary you want to mark down and celebrate?
I'm really not that big on anniversaries.

4. What would your past self think of your present self?
I think she would be pleased to see what I am now :)

5. What was the first online communality that you loved?
Supernatural.TV Forums - it doesn't seem to exist anymore, which is very sad... :'(
I found out for the first time in 2012 that there were Supernatural fans creating art and fic and having an awesome time discussing the show together. I learned simple icon making and even gif making there, I played Supernatural Wolf with the members, which was super fun :D  I was starving for people to talk about my favorite show with and it was a big eye opener.  From there I came over to LJ.

the friday five, meme

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