The Friday Five for September 10

Sep 10, 2021 14:58

1. What are your top 5 favourite foods?

1 Chocolate (It used to be milk chocolate, now dark is the only kind I eat)
2 Cheese (Chedder)
3 Nuts (Almonds are probably the favorite)
4 Steak
5 Salads (I don't have one particular favorite vegetable that I can sacrifice everything else for so...)

2. Is there something similar between them?
A lot of protein and nutritional value. Also, I basically love harder, more crunchy or chewy foods - excepting the cheese. I don't like soup so much, for example, but when I have some I like to EAT it instead of DRINK it... you know?

3. Can you cook them yourself?
I bake with chocolate; I like cheese as is. I can make homemade pizza with yeast or baking powder crust or nachos but haven't recently. I can also make cheese crackers (100 percent cheese) in the microwave :D I recently learned to make almond butter and I've made my own cakes with it as well as the simple chocolate covered almonds. Steak, anyone can cook. I like to think I'm pretty good at medium rare. I've learned a LOT of salads these past few months. I didn't used to like fruit in them, but I've acquired a taste for strawberries, mangoes and grapes in salads recently. YUM

4. Pick one, and tell us why it is so special.
I had a hard time with this one at first. Most people would have listed items such as pizza, hamburgers, and other prepared foods for their list, which would have made the question easier to answer. I haven't listed such foods because recently I have been changing what I eat to more nutritional foods and while I would have readily listed pizza or sushi or melonpan (a Japanese sweet bread I used to eat for breakfast), I don't eat them anymore so they really don't count (although I will be trying my hand at making an almond crust pizza in a few days). More important to me are those basic ingredients that MAKE those foods my favorite, which is why I listed cheese and chocolate - which I can still eat and enjoy. So, basically anything made from those ingredients I listed make me happy.

But I will try my hand at telling you about the special qualities of chocolate.

What makes chocolate special? Chocolate cake, chocolate cream pie, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate almonds (a special favorite with two of my favorite ingredients!)... chocolate is what makes me extremely happy and ready to tackle anything. What makes chocolate special is probably the iron, magnesium, zinc, polyphenol and other nutritional content.

According to WebMD...

"Chocolate is especially rich in flavanols like epicatechin and catechin, as well as anthocyanins and phenolic acids. All of these compounds help protect your cells from inflammation, improve your brain function, and boost your immune and cardiovascular health. Dark chocolate can also give you: Cardiovascular support. Dec 13, 2020"

(Chocolate: Are There Health Benefits? - WebMD)

And this little video explains the benefits of polyphenol in chocolate too.

Facebook post

Now THAT is special! :D

As anyone who has read this journal for a while knows, I adore food. If ever I am unable to eat(chew, taste) anymore, I will probably wither up and die.

5. Have you eaten your recommended servings of 2 fruit and 5 vegetables today?
My breakfast muffin included a bit of apple sauce, I got some grapes in my salad for lunch. Vegetables include lettuce, kale, cucumber, celery, tomato and onion. It was one of my favorite salads with chicken breast, chuck peas (vege?), pine nuts, and a wine vinegar dressing. fabulous<3 I may just have a berry smoothie (with spinach) for dinner. Not decided yet.

the friday five, meme

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