Spring Break

Mar 17, 2021 15:46

Hi! I'm on a short break from teaching for around 5 days and spring is here and I am feeling more energetic than I have in a while.  I even made a reservation to get my hair cut!  That's going to be tomorrow.  My hair is soooooo long since I probably haven't cut the back for like a year I think.  I hope. Otherwise it has been two years.

I've also made some jello - what Japanese people call jelly - with some very sour  natsu mikan oranges from our own tree.  I also made some sugared orange peel but meeeh, that didn't turn out as well as the jello did.

Alex walked with me to my choir practice since it was along a nice little river and we thought Hana could do with another walk after a short one in the morning.  At choir, we are working on a piece for the next competition which is the Mother's Chorus Competition in June.  It's quite challenging and rather long but I'm getting the hang of it after some practice at home.

I am now reading Breakfast of Champions (Vonnegut).  Rather disappointing and a very uncomfortable read.  It's like reading a whole bunch of very vulgar comedian scripts.  I mean, I read rather vulgar romance but those are written to sound hot and this is just making fun of everyone and everything and is basically just vulgar.  Yeah, it's funny to a point but it is getting tiresome.  I have to finish it since I have realized I hate having something unfinished at goodreads and I keep hoping there is a bigger point to all of it at the end.  Then, I may start reading The Discovery of Witches which I am now watching.  The show is better in second season.  First season the lines sucked.  It was like a really bad book.  I was going to check out the actual book to see if it was any better LOL  Or, something else enjoyable.

Otherwise on TV, I am really really enjoying American Gods.  But the chances of seeing a favorite character again after he died is getting slimmer by the episode and it makes me sad.  OMG though, another serious character death???!  This one I am really not as sad about.

Did y'all see that Vikings was on Netflix?!  I definitely recommend it to those who haven't seen it already.

Anyway, some pics.

Mejiro (bird) among the blossoms!

Magnolias under the blue sky this time!

Hiyodori (bird) among the blossoms.

Alex and Hana on the way to Choir practice

I recently found out that cheese pizza with taco salad on top was AWESOME. I tried it with cheese toast too. RECOMMENDED! :D

Orange jello made with four big sour oranges. Yum!

hana, tv, discovery of witches, spring, my day, alex, dessert, american gods, nature, food

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