Life is going by really fast right now. From classes, to cooking and washing, to watching The Magicians, which I finished finally. I can't believe it is already Thursday. The Magicians was good, but I sort of wish they had ended it last season. That was such a touching ending with Q and this season just wasn't the same without him. [Spoilery]All the characters were mourning his death but I was too. It made their adventures less fun even though it was probably just as well done.
I'm also reading a book called My Antonia by Willa Carter. I came across this when I gave up on Virginia Wolf's Night and Day after reading a third of it. Virginia Wolf sucks. Her writing is awful imho - at least in this book. Wordy and unimaginative description that made a very simple plot very long and tedious. I think it would make a good movie though if someone can take the time to decipher everything and create a visual picture. I couldn't believe it was so bad she is such a famous author - I thought maybe it was a style of the time? so I went to look for books written in the same year. Willa Carter's My Antonia was published a year before, in 1918 and it renewed my confidence in my assessment because it is soooo different. So clearly descriptive I can see it in my mind - which is how it is supposed to be. It is set in America, in the prairies. A boy loses his parents and goes to live with his grandparents. There he meets an immigrant girl, and I assume there will be some romantic feelings involved. Right now it's just a sweet little meeting. Descriptions are so far of the homes they lived in as well as the prairies, travel by wagon and train etc. It talks about issues between immigrants from various countries - Scottish, Bohemians(as in people from Bohemia), German... etc., there was mention of persecuted Mormons and their move to Utah too - quite informative of the time period.
I will be watching Walker next, as well as a story about fairies on Netflix, probably- It looks interesting. I also have to catch up on American Gods and yes, I want to watch Sherlock over too, so lots to watch.
Anyway, I thought I'd post because there is a meme going around of posting nature photos, and I have too many to post just one, so here are some photos.
Who can see the little bird in the back?
Hana with the snowy mountains in the background.
Snowy mountains<3
Fuji the same place as always, but different feel with those clouds and the snowy mountains.