Who told you you should be happy?

May 28, 2020 23:25

If you like The Last Kingdom, I definitely recommend Vikings(and vise versa of course!).  I just finished watching up to the first half of Season 6.  The last half of this last season is due to be released at the end of this year on Amazon Prime according to some sources.  In a way I am disappointed, because I was hoping to be able to finish watching the show instead of having to wait as I must for so many shows.  But I do have a list of several shows to try and I am of course going back for a rewatch of the early seasons.  I really like the story of the young and vigorous Ragnor much more than that of his sons in the later seasons.

OMG though, the actor Alexander Ludwig playing his son Bjorn looks so much like my dad, it's crazy.  I don't see it so much when he is young - because I don't really have much of an image of my dad when he was young - but when he plays the older Bjorn, ... his jaw, thin lips and square teeth especially, but even the hair line and the shape of his head.  I even looked up the actor's ancestry, it spooked me so.

Here's Alexander as relatively young Bjorn -

I love this photo. He looks so cute

A little older...

The older Bjorn.

I found one of when my dad was a bit younger than when I remembered him, just for kicks.

Yah, that's me with the surprised/bewildered expression XD

I really need to get the family history that my aunt wrote up.  I wonder if she has gone back farther than a founding father of  the Mennonite Brethren church.

Life goes on.  This Monday, the government ended the State of Emergency, and public schools will be gradually starting up with smaller classes and shorter days.  I have sent out mails to my students asking them their preference - to continue online classes or come for face-to-face classes. Most are opting for face-to-face, but some classes will be held on-line for various reasons - Not just because people are still cautious, but because the school time-tables don't allow kids to come back home in time to get to class.  We have lost quite a few students - some for usual reasons, but many because of COVID.  We hope we can regain some now that the State of Emergency has lifted.  I am really thankful to those students who have been so supportive and understanding during this time, and also have continued in the belief that their English education is just as important in these times as any.

Usually a walk with Hana in the morning helps lift my spirits, but the dreary cloudy/rainy and humid weather is not helping.   I got a few pictures though.  A good thing coming from this lifting is that Hubby is going back to work out at the gym!  It has been rather stressful having him around all the time.  It will be even better when he starts going out with friends (HEHE).

The last of a little citrus fruit in our front yard

The first of the blue berries - sorry it's blurred.

Some tiny cherries in the trees at the park.

Audrey tried to make cream puffs LOL. The one in the bottom right hand corner looks like a face with a long tongue!

Some more pictures of me and my dad.

audrey, tv, nature, dad, vikings, my day

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