SPN 15-11 The Gamblers Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Jan 31, 2020 15:28

What did you think of this ep?
Poll SPN 15-11 The Gamblers

I'm going to make this short and sweet - I'm rather tired today.  I did really enjoy the episode, and I think I will be rating it great, but it is also not the kind of episode I have much to say about.

I did like we had a god of fortune, and we were reminded of all the other gods in the show and how they might have a grudge against GOD too... I wonder if the boys can use that?I LOVED that Dean listened to Sam when Sam warned him against playing too much.  I LOVED that Sam played to try to save the people instead of for luck the second time.  I love that Lady Luck recognized that they were heroes , even without their luck, as was the theme also last ep, and honored them for that.   I wishe she had done that in front of the boys instead of getting a girl to give them a message and the coin.  The pool playing was nice, but knowing their luck hung on the balance, it wasn't as cool as it is usually.  The boys had lovely expressions - Jared especially looked beautiful and Dean had some nice moments with the girls, which I guess doesn't depend on Chuck as much as Sam's puppy eyes :D

And they go back to more "luck."  Jack is back.  Now if they can just get Chuck to "play their game."

Some pictures:

Sam's noisy phone in the car.

Nice scene of Baby -

Cas catching a call in Dean's phone -

Sam sleeping in the car -

Diner girl telling them about the pool hall.

Dean's winning smile :)

Jack eating angel hearts

Another nice scene of Baby pulling up to the pool hall.

Dean is on a winning streak :)

But he listens to Sam and they decide on one big final game

Dean: Are you hustling me?

Nice shot!

Dean decides to go oout for a ride, and if Baby runs, they are going to leave.

But no, Baby's engine dies.

Badass scene <3

Unfortunately, mom doesn't really care if they killl him, since he's half-human.

Sam decides to take his turn.

Meanwhile, Cas saves Jack.

Sam: I learned from my brother.
But the second game, he loses, of course.

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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