Random post

Nov 29, 2019 15:43

I´ve spent the last week rewatching Limitless, the TV show. I really love it. It´s only one season but it is full of fun and I laughed a lot. 😆💕

I spent three hours or so on Tue talking with Alex about Dracula, the book... or rather two reports written about it, because he had to think of questions to ask the authors. So it got me curious to read the book. I don't think I´ve read it before, although I think I remember watching a movie. And reading it now, I recognize some scenes.

I´m stressed from worrying about the school Christmas. I think I totally missed Christmas card posts. Have there been any? I want to sent some but I don't know if I can this year. I am really feeling the lack of funds with no new students.

Julian´s graduation art piece came out of the oven. One of the handles broke off but he glued it back on for the exhibit in Dec.😝

Julian`s pottery pieces - the vase is his graduation piece:

Fall pictures:

julian, nature, my day

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